The Lance Family🗡🗣👮‍♂️

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Imagine: Quentin, your dad, telling Laurel and Sara, your sisters, that you didn't make it

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Imagine: Quentin, your dad, telling Laurel and Sara, your sisters, that you didn't make it.
"Y/N!"Sara shot up in her hospital bed, gasping and looking around frantically. Her hands clutched the bedsheets in a white knuckled grip."Where's Y/N?"
Laurel woke up as soon as she heard her sister's cries."Sara!"
The darker haired woman cried and tackled her baby sister in a hug.
"L-Laurel, where's Y/N?"The younger sister asked for you again.
"Dad's with her."Laurel told Sara to calm her."I'm so glad you're ok, you were out for a while."
"How long?"Sara asked.
"Twelve hours, Y/N still isn't awake. Her condition, it was much worse than yours."Laurel admitted biting her lip.
The blonde's eyes widened on hearing this."Laurel, I want to see her. I need to see her."
Putting a hand on her shoulder Laurel tried to make her little sister lie down."Sara-"
"No! I need to see her, Y/N, is my twin! Maybe I can help her..."Sara trailed off as the door opened softly."Dad?"
Quentin walked in looking incredibly tired and tears eyed.
"G-girls."He stuttered, refusing to look either of his daughters in the eyes."Y/N's...Y/N she-she's...she didn't make it."
"No no no."Tears began to fall from Sara's eyes.
"Oh my god."Laurel practically breathed in disbelief before she began sobbing.
Quentin began to weep too, engulfing his remaining daughters in a hug."I love you all so much."

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