Cisco Ramon🍬

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Imagine: Cisco when you offer to help him out

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Imagine: Cisco when you offer to help him out.
"So when we headin' out, Ramon?"You asked as you drummed on Cisco's desk after swinging into the lab.
Without even looking up from his computer."We? We're not going anywhere."
"Did she forget to tell you?"You questioned him before continuing."Caitlin can't go to that family thing you have tonight so she tapped me in."
"HA HA HA HA."Cisco fake laughed before looking up at you, a little frightened."You're not joking are you?"
"Nope."You told him from where you were perched on his desk."Don't tell me I got all dressed up for nothing."
"Your parents have a nice house."You observed as you walked up to the door with Cisco at your side.
"Hmm yeah, they do."He mumbled as he fiddled with the cuffs of his jacket. You could tell he wasn't really listening so in frustration you made him stop and look at you.
"Ok what's going on?"You asked.
He sighed."Nothing, let's just...go in-"
"Cisco."You said firmly.
"Look only Caitlin really knows this but I don't really...get on with my family as well as other people do."Cisco confessed."It's been obvious my parents favourite has always been Dante ever since we were kids. He was always the star, the perfect one, the piano player."-The engineer rolled his eyes and scoffed which made you smile a little.-"They never were interested in anything I had to say about the stuff I cared about or any of my science fair projects, which were amazing if I do say so my self."
You giggled before giving him a sympathetic smile.
"I get it."You told him."After what my parents did to Hartley, I never wanted to speak to them again...I haven't spoken to them since they threw him out actually. I don't send them cards on their birthdays or anniversaries even after they sent me cards for my birthdays, after the first few years I was absent from their lives. The point is, sometimes it's better to just let bygones be bygones and other times, it's nice to rub our 'loved ones' faces in our success."
"I'm not liking where this is going."Cisco stated, eyeing your carefully but you you had already grabbed his hand and were pulling him towards his parents house.

"Hermano, you're here!"You turned to see a slightly older Latino man approaching you and Cisco, you assumed his brother Dante."I honestly didn't think you'd be able to make it!"
You turned to Cisco with a smile, surely his brother mustn't be as bad as he said if he was delighted to see him. However the engineer had a sour scowl on his face as Dante strode over, a clear arrogance in his walk.
"Couldn't miss the family reunion."Cisco managed to get out through his teeth, hand clutched tightly around his drink.
You felt like kicking him in the shin but waited, he knew his family best after all.
"So still working for STAR Labs, I believe."Dante began before giving a cruel chuckle."Even after the disaster that happened, must've been a career set back. And my, my who's your beautiful friend?"
After that dig and Cisco's work, and yours though he didn't know that, your lips were now also stuck in a scowl identical to Cisco's. Once however Dante raked his eyes over you, you swiftly fixed a fake smile on your lips.
"This is, Y/N Rathaway."Cisco introduced you."She's a bio engineer."
"At STAR Labs as well."You pointed out."Hi."
Dante shook your hand, which you felt like wiping on your clothes after. The way he looked at you like the way a lion watched a gazelle did not sit well with you.
The older man pretended to stroke his chin in thought, though there couldn't have been much to think about in that tiny brain of his."Rathaway, hmm? I think I've heard that name, have I not? You must be very proud to come from such a respectable family."
"Actually I haven't spoken to my parents since I was sixteen."You made very clear."They're not very nice people and certainly shouldn't be respected, so don't believe everything you hear."
From beside you, you heard Cisco snicker but he quickly covered it by taking a sip of his drink.
"Well, a beautiful lady like you. You must have better things to do than accompany Cisco here to our little family gathering."Dante assumed rather rudely."But perhaps maybe it's good that you did, since now we've met."
You laughed."That's bold. In front of your brother and my boyfriend."
You turned to Cisco who had almost choked on his drink.
"You're Cisco's girlfriend?"Dante asked almost as if he couldn't believe it, which made your heart bleed a little for your co-worker.
"Yeah."You replied, keeping up with the charade."We're not really telling people because workplace romances are kind of frowned upon buuuut your his family so you won't tell, will you?"
"Mijo, where did you run off to?"You lifted your head to see an older couple, Cisco's parents, make their way over to your group."Your Abuela has been looking for you."
"I've been here talking to Cisco and his lovely...girlfriend."Dante told them, he then looked you up and down again, only now it was with distaste and confusion.
"I didn't think you were going to make it."Mrs Ramon spoke again, now addressing her youngest son.
"That's seems to be a constant theme tonight."Cisco muttered unkindly but his tone was very justified.
Mr Ramon looked between both you and his youngest son."Cisco, is it true she's your girlfriend?"
"Of course it is."You very nearly snapped."In fact, I hope you aren't insinuating that we're lying because I would be very insulted to think that. Your son, your youngest son, is the kindest and most generous, not to mention the smartest man I've ever met. So of course I'm dating him."
Looking a little taken aback Mr Ramon."Right sorry, Miss..?"
"Rathaway. Y/N Rathaway."You informed him before you saw his eyes light up and mouth open as if to speak."But I don't speak to or associate with my family anymore."
"Something both you and Cisco have in common."Mrs Ramon muttered bitterly.
"So I think it's safe to say that your family love me."You smiled triumphantly as you got back into Cisco's car after you left the party.
"Maybe but I'm pretty sure they wish you were with Dante."The engineer huffed.
"Oh don't go all sour, you had fun...a little."You nudged him."Besides I'm not fake dating Dante, I'm fake dating you."
"And I feel honoured."Cisco put a hand on his heart, his jovial attitude quickly returning.
"Sooooo pizza?"
"A woman after my own heart."
"I think you almost gave my Abuela a heart attack when you started speaking Spanish."Cisco laughed as you sat at his kitchen table, both stuffing your faces with pizza.
You laughed."Sé muchas cosas, mi querido Francisco. Speaking of, I can't believe I didn't know your full name was Francisco."
(I think this means "I know a lot of things, my dear Francisco. I used a translate app, not google, so blame it not me.)
"What did you think my name was?"The engineer asked.
"Just Cisco, it never occurred to me that it was shortened."You shrugged.
"And people say you're a genius."Cisco teased.
"Hey!"You smiled playfully.
It was nice, hanging out with Cisco. Total transparency, you'd never really clicked with Cisco despite knowing him for years. You'd never liked the way your brother treated him, even though you knew he was just lashing out due to how your parents dealt with him coming out. You remember telling Hartley to back off insulting Cisco but it had been in private so the engineer had never known.
"Why don't we do this more?"You pouted to Cisco.
"Um,"He raised an eyebrow."because last time I checked you didn't like me."
"Who told you that?"You asked, a little offended.
"Hartley."Cisco frowned.
"Of course he did."You sighed."I never disliked you, Cisco, if anything I actually kind of like you."
You blushed and he realised what you meant.
"You mean like me, like me?"He wondered aloud.
"Kind of."
"Well, what if I kind of wanted to kiss you right now?"
"Do it."

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