Iris West⌨️

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Imagine: Iris finding out about her life on Earth-2

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Imagine: Iris finding out about her life on Earth-2.
"Wait, hold on."Iris asked Barry before he could say anything else about Earth-2."We were married?"
"Yeah...kinda."Barry rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Y/N's going to have a laugh with this."Your girlfriend giggled while pulling out her phone to text you.
Barry sped to Iris and practically ripped the phone from her hands."No no no! Pleeeeeease don't tell her! She already hates me!"
"Sorry, Bar, but this is too hilarious."The journalist beamed and took her phone back.
"Wouldn't you like to know who Y/N was with on Earth-2?"The speedster asked with a sneaky smirk on his face, luckily for him his question made Iris stop typing on her phone.
"Who?"She asked slowly, narrowing her eyes at Barry.
"Felicity Smoak."He smirked, thanking whatever created multiple universes that his answer could be true and distract Iris.
Completely forgetting about what she was about to text you the journalist put her hands on her hips."You're joking."
"Nope, they were married too."Barry wanted to laugh but knew better than that, Iris' jealous fury was not something anyone wanted to be around.
With a loud, exaggerated groan Iris turned and stomped up the stairs."Fucking Felicity Smoak."

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