Leonard Snart💎

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Imagine: Going to visit your grandparents

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Imagine: Going to visit your grandparents.
"Grandma! Grandpa! I'm back from the store!"You shouted as you walked in through the front door of their house with numerous shopping bags at your feet."I didn't understand your text so I just got a lot of stuff."
"Let me help you with that, dear."Your Grandad offered as he rushed to great you.
You waved him away with a smile."Gramps, it's fine, I can handle it."
"I may be old but you can't stop me from trying to help you."He said before lifting up two heavy bags."See? Still strong as an ox."
You laughed and collected another two bags, leaving the rest at the door to come back to.
"Oh, Y/N, you're back!"Your Grandma exclaimed with a warm, beaming, slightly mischievous smile on her face."Someone stopped by to see you."
"Out here?"You asked sceptically, considering your grandparents lived out in the countryside aka the middle of nowhere, you found it hard to believe anyone could have found you.
"He's in the living room."Your Grandma said before ushering you in there.
"Leonard!"You exclaimed with joy.
"Hello, princess."He smirked from where he was sitting in an armchair.
You ran over and hugged him."I can't believe you came to see me!"
"I can't believe you thought I was going to let you spend your birthday without me."

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