Leonard Snart💎 (Part One)

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Imagine: Going back in time and being surprised

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Imagine: Going back in time and being surprised.
"So Jax tells me that you went back in time."You stated, leaning against Leonard's doorframe.
"What's it to you?"Your ex asked, irritably.
"Nothing really, I was just curious...did it work?"You questioned, playing with one of your knives in your hands, trying not to look as curious as you were.
"Did what work?"Leonard sighed.
"Whatever you went back to change of course?"You explained, looking up at him."What else?"
"No. It didn't."The super villain answered through gritted teeth.
"But that doesn't always happen, right?"You pressed."Sometimes you can change the timeline-"
"I don't know, Y/N."Leonard cut you off."Now if you'd kindly get out, I'm not in the mood."
"Fine. You want me gone, I'm gone."You smiled."I have things to do."
You had done it.
You had successfully travelled back in time, all by yourself...well you had assistance from the navigation system of the pod you had used to get there but you'd still done it.
Central City General
31st of December 1991
You knew you had to be quick. Even if Rip didn't notice you'd abandoned the Waverider right away you knew it wouldn't take Kendra long to figure out you'd left, being your best friend and all. You snuck into the hospital quite easily, and made it to the right floor with no hassle. You remembered that the hospital had been short staffed as it was around the holidays, though it was hard to forget anything about that day.
"Room 184, room 184."You repeated over and over again as you searched the hallway for your room.
Until finally you found it but it was different, no noise was coming from it and when you opened the door you saw a much younger you laying in the bed. Covered in sweat and clearly so exhausted you'd passed out.
"Fuck."You cursed, you'd travelled back in time a little later than you'd expected.
You rushed from your room and practically ran to where the babies were kept after being born. You hoped and prayed that you weren't too late and that your baby would still be there. You were about to burst in and inevitably disturb all of the infants when just before you could you noticed a man already in there. Edging the door open just so you could peek in you saw that it was Leonard, a nineteen year old Leonard, standing above one of the cribs.
"Hi, little baby."He cooed."I'm not supposed to be here so this is going to have to be our little secret, ok? But I just couldn't go on with my life knowing that I never got to see you."
You were shocked.
What was he doing?
How did he know?
Who the hell let him in?!
But you knew you couldn't disturb him, it would blow your cover, he would recognise you and certainly freak out.
"Truth is, little baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'll never get to raise you."Leonard began speaking to the baby again."It's for the best and I know you won't understand that until you're much older but it's the truth. I'm a criminal and a liar, and I hurt people, and I rob them. I'd be a terrible dad but your mom...she'd be amazing. So it's cruel that you're being taken away from her because she loves you so much, I know she does."
Just as Leonard was about to look up you darted away from the door and sprinted out of the hospital and back to the pod. Once you got back inside it you realised that you were crying. You never realised that being back there would be so emotional...or maybe it was just the fact that you saw Leonard there. It was unbelievable. You hadn't told him you'd given birth and your parents certainly wouldn't have let him know you were in labour, so it meant something that he showed up. He'd remembered your due date and he'd cared enough to show up.
Once you were back at the Waverider you were greeted by a furious Rip and a concerned Kendra.
"First Jax, Leonard and Mick and now you!"Rip yelled."You could've gotten yourself exposed! Or worse, disrupted the timeline!"
"Trust me, that was what I intended."You told him dryly.
"You're not helping, Y/N."Kendra interjected.
"But I didn't do anything."You explained."If I promise I won't go AWOL again can I go?"
"I don't think you under-"Rip glared at you with his hands on his hips.
You ignored him."Ok, thanks byeee!"
You escaped from his lecturing and made your way to Leonard's room, not even bothering to knock you strode in and after kicking off your boots climbed into his bed.
"Thank you."You whispered to him, knowing he was still awake.
"For what?"Leonard replied.
"December 31st 1991."Was all you said.
Your ex shifted in the dark."What did you do, Y/N?"
"Nothing, nothing, I promise."You assured him."I mean I intended to do something but I didn't...I was caught off guard."
"So then why are you here?"
"I just wanted to thank you for what you said to her and let you know if you ever want to look for our daughter...all you have to do is ask."

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