Cisco Ramon🍬

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Imagine: Fighting with Cisco

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Imagine: Fighting with Cisco.
"Oh my god!"You exclaimed as you followed Cisco through STAR Labs."I can't believe you're actually mad about this!"
"I'm not mad about's just annoying."Your boyfriend huffed as you entered his workshop.
You rolled your eyes and hopped onto a desk."You're jealous."
"No I'm mad."He decided and watched you raise an eyebrow."I'd rather be mad than jealous."
"Than be jealous of Dante you mean?"You suggested, even though you knew that he definitely was.
Cisco groaned and plopped down on his chair, it pushed a little away."I just don't understand why your doppelgänger chose Dante over me."
"Ok, first of all it's not you and Dante, it's your doppelgängers. And second of all, your doppelgänger is kind of a dick...was."You sighed to see your boyfriend was still pouting. With his folded arms he looked like a spoilt child, in any other situation you probably would laughed or cracked a Harry Potter joke but even though you thought his reason for being in this mood was stupid he was serious. Something that Cisco wasn't often."Thirdly, I don't understand why this annoys you so much. So what if my moronic doppelgänger prefers your asshole brother over amazing you? The point is that Earth-1 me, your me, loves you."
"It annoys me so much because I love you."Cisco explained."My whole life Dante has always been seen as the best brother in every way. I'm not even going to name the ways because it would take me way too long. After I saved his life that time and you two met, I was incredibly nervous you'd leave me. Don't roll your eyes because this isn't a joke to me, it's something very real."
"Oh, Cisco."You got up and walked over to where he was sitting."I love you, ok? Not Dante or anyone else. Only you. You never need to worry about anyone else because what other man will spend entire weekends with me indoors having a super nerdy movie marathon?"
Cisco laughed.
"The answer is none."You smiled as you sat yourself on his lap. You bent your head a little and placed your lips in his, kissing him slowly and lovingly."Convinced?"
"I might need more than just a kiss."

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