Cisco Ramon🍬

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Imagine: Cisco blurting out something

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Imagine: Cisco blurting out something.
You'd been in Central City a few weeks now to visit your sister Caitlin. You knew she'd been devastated, obviously, over the loss of her fiancé, Ronny, but you'd been so caught up with your "job" in Starling City that you hadn't been able to visit her when it happened. When you'd finally found the time to make the trip to Central City you had just found out from your friend, Felicity, that Caitlin was working with a vigilante, kinda like the Arrow who you knew Felicity was helping. The only difference being that the man Caitlin was working with, Barry Allen as you found out, was a meta-human and had powers, Felicity told you he was the fastest man alive.
Of course the fascinated you greatly, since you worked at ARGUS you knew stuff like this existed but unfortunately you'd never seen it up close. According to Amanda Waller "it wasn't your department", and yes she was right but that didn't stop you from being curious.
"So how is it working for ARGUS?"Caitlin asked you as you followed her over to her desk.
"Shhhh."You hushed your older sister."I'm not even sure I should've told you I work for them."
"I'm sorry, little miss secret agent, how is it working for you know what."The brunette spoke amusedly before logging into her computer.
Rolling your eyes with a small giggle you replied."It's...complicated and Waller's still a total bitch about the whole meta-human thing. Speaking of when do I get to meet him?"
"Who?"Caitlin looked back up at you, where you were perched on her desk.
"Your meta-human. Barry Allen, if I'm remembering right?"You clarified.
Smiling at your eagerness your sister laughed."Ok, first of all he's not my meta-human and I'm sure he'll stop by at some stage."
"Caitlin?! Are you here?!"You heard a voice call which made you turn towards the doorway.
"In here, Cisco!"Caitlin called back and before long a man appeared in the doorway, stopping short when he saw you.
"Who's this?"He asked, pointing at you with furrowed brows."And -not to be rude- but should she be in here? With ypu know?"
"The streak?"You spoke with a smirk."Barry Allen, I know."
Smiling at your attitude Caitlin introduced you."It's fine, Cisco, this is my sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is Cisco, my friend."
"Nice to meet you."You nodded.
"You too."He smiled a little bashfully.
Cisco walked around he big desk covered in screens and you noticed his eyes drop to your bare legs. You wore a lot of skirts but it had been a particularly hot day so you opted to not wear tights.
"So what do you do here, Cisco?"You asked innocently while successfully suppressing a grin.
"You have really nice legs."He blurted before he tore his eyes away and they met your shocked ones, he seemed to realise what he said and by his expression Caitlin must have been staring at him too.
"Cisco!"She exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, that was inappropriate."Cisco laughed nervously before mumbling in a softer tone."Please don't leave."
You giggled."Thanks for the compliment."
"No problem."The man replied, you could tell he was still a little embarrassed as he busied himself quickly with another computer.
You turned back to Caitlin and whispered."He's cute, I like him."
She rolled her eyes in a good natured way before more people came through the doorway.
A man in a wheelchair and-
"Oh my god! You're the meta-human!"You squeaked with excitement and rushed to the brunette man who was clearly stunned by your joy."You have to show me the whole speed thing! Felicity says it's sooooo cool!"
"Y/N, let him breathe."Caitlin scolded you and immediately you stepped back from Barry.
"Sorry."You apologised."I'm Y/N Snow, you're Barry and"-you turned to the man in a wheelchair-"you're Dr Wells. I don't really get the science stuff but my sister says you're a legend."
"Her words, not mine!"Caitlin clarified for her boss.
"I'm glad you think so."Wells laughed while shaking your hand."You may as well call me Harrison, Miss Snow."
"As long as you call me Y/N."You agreed.
"So you're friends with Felicity then?"Barry interjected.
"Yeah, kind of."You informed him."Well I sometimes work with someone she knows and sometimes the Arrow works with him but personally I find the meta-human stuff so interesting. Like how fast can you go, can you time travel or are you not that fast and how the hell does your suit not burn up?"
"I made it."You flicked your head away from a perplexed Barry around to see Cisco, who had gotten over his embarrassment thankfully."The suit, I mean."
"Can I see?"You almost jumped, the excitement evident in your voice.
"Of course, I'd love to show you."Cisco smiled brightly before beckoning you."Follow me."
You squealed with joy and hurried to follow him."This is all so cool!.

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