Mick Rory🔥

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Imagine: Being paired with Mick on a mission

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Imagine: Being paired with Mick on a mission.
"Let's just get going."You told the pyromaniac shortly as you headed to the exit of the Waverider."The sooner we get this over with, the better."-you looked back at the reformed (or so you were told) criminal who had a smug smile on his face-"For me at least."
"You don't sound too thrilled to have me as your buddy, little Wells."Mick noted as you adjusted the energy rifle you had attached to a strap on your back.
You folded your arms and lent against the side of the ship as you waited for him. You tapped you foot wishing he would just hurry up already!
"You are a criminal who terrorised my city along with his bestie and partner in crime for a few years and made life hard for my friends and some evil dude in my dad's body."You spoke quickly.
"Terrorised is a strong word."Mick chuckled finally making his way to you.
"You're right...for once. You two were really just petty criminals."You shrugged as he checked his heat gun before adding."Though you did kidnap Cisco and his brother and forced him to make that for you."
"Hey, hey, that was all Lenny."The on probation villain told you."I just reaped the benefits."
"Whatever."You rolled your eyes."Ready?"
"'Course."He grunted before grinning."Sooner the better, buttercup."
You narrowed your eyes at him."I'm not your buttercup."
He just chuckled and winked before leaving the Waverider, you following close behind.

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