Slade Wilson👁

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Imagine: Realising the consequences of Slade being alive

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Imagine: Realising the consequences of Slade being alive.
"So what?! You're just going to show up here after five years without an explanation?!"You yelled as you followed Slade out into the rain. As soon as Oliver had called and told you that the psychotic man you'd spent over a year with on a deserted island had showed up at his house, you had rushed over (probably breaking a lot of speed limits but you were best friends with the Captain's youngest daughter so you assumed you'd get a pass). Once you got there, Oliver's mom had let you in and delightedly "introduced" you to her new friend, Slade Wilson.
At first sight you hadn't felt how you'd expected to. You expected to want to punch him, to make him pay for what he'd done but felt a sense of warmth. You wanted to rush towards him and hug him, the loneliness and longing for comfort you'd felt the first time you'd arrived on the island came flooding back. Luckily it was swiftly replaced by the hatred and fury that had been the only feelings you could feel towards Slade in a good few years.
"I don't need an explanation."The man gruffly told you as he got into the backseat of his car."As far as I know you don't own this city."
"You know damn well why you need an explanation."You hissed before sighing and placing your hand on the lowered window."Please, Slade. Just tell me why you're here?"
"Y/N."He took a deep breath and turned slightly to you, his Australian accent thick and his voice husky and deep."Five years ago, I made you a promise. Do you remember?"
You breath caught in your throat as you realised what he was referring to, the rain drops assaulting your bare skin didn't both you anymore and the harsh temperature wasn't the only thing making you shiver. You only nodded as a sign that you'd heard him.
"Then you'll remember that I make good on my promises."Slade reminded you."I intend to honour my promise to you, Y/N, goodbye."
You pulled your hand away from the window and watched his car drive off. Standing alone in the rain with dripping make up and drenched hair.
"YOU ARE ENGAGED?!?!?!"Sara shouted as she followed you into her sister's kitchen.
"Yes, but I was on a deserted island with very limited hope of ever seeing my loved ones again. I had put my faith to get home in Oliver Queen of all people, a girl named Shado and Crocodile Dundee. I was clearly losing my mind!"You exclaimed."Now I'll ask again, where the hell does Laurel keep her alcohol?"
"Up there."Sara sighed and pointed to a high cupboard.
You stood on your tiptoes and swung it open but as you rummaged around you realised she must have cleared it out."There's nothing there."
"That's probably for the best."Sara told you softly as you turned around and slumped against the kitchen counter.
You buried your head in your hands and mumbled."What have I done?"
"Hey."Your best friend walked around behind you and stroked your back."Y/N, look at me. We're going to fix this, ok? I promise."

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