Sara Lance🗡

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Imagine: Making Sara laugh

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Imagine: Making Sara laugh.
"Ok, what is with you, Lance?"You asked, sliding onto the seat beside your new teammate.
The blonde looked up at you, her face almost completely void of emotion except for the hint of annoyance in her eyes.
"What do you mean?"She asked.
"How do you not know what I mean?"You asked."I mean why are you always so serious?"
"I'm not always serious."Sara began to defend herself but you could tell even she didn't believe herself.
"Come on. You almost always have a scowl or frown on your face."You pouted and pointed at her."Sourpuss."
"Sourpuss?"Sara laughed.
"See!"You smiled."Happy kitty!"
"Miss Y/L/N, you are need by Mr Palmer in the MedBay."Gideon suddenly announced.
"Sorry gotta go."You got up and started to leave before turning back to Sara at the door."And smile more, it makes you look even more beautiful."

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