Caitlin Snow❄️

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Imagine: Caitlin patching you up after you get hurt

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Imagine: Caitlin patching you up after you get hurt.
You watched Caitlin fondly as she reached over to get more bandages for you.
You'd insisted on going to Earth-2 with Barry, Cisco and Wells No.2, despite and Caitlin's protests. You were the first person that Caitlin had dated since Ronnie and she'd only recently told you she'd loved you, a hard thing for her to do you were sure. The biologist expressed her concerns to you and told you that she didn't want to lose you but you assured her that's you'd be fine, you were a meta after all.
While you were in Earth-2 you'd made the stupid decision to try and get Killer Frost to embrace her human side, essentially her Caitlin side. That pissed her off and she'd done a pretty bad number on you.
"You're good at this."You told Caitlin as she wrapped a bandage around the now stitched gash on your wrist.
"What?"The brunette asked."Being a doctor?"
"Well yes but more than that."You explained."Being a girlfriend. I remember after Ronnie died you told me you didn't think you'd be able to care for anyone else, well here you are caring for me."
Caitlin looked up at you with a small smile and a blush."Well, you are my girlfriend...I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Caitlin."You told her before pulling her to you and pressing her lips to yours.

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