Barry Allen⚡️

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Imagine: Barry having a crush on you

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Imagine: Barry having a crush on you.
"Stop pouting."Iris whined as she sat back down beside Barry, hitting him softly on the shoulder.
"Yeah, it's bumming us out."Wally frowned.
"Not to mention,"Cisco said through a mouthful of popcorn."you're ruining movie night and we're watching The Princess Bride."
Caitlin reached over for a handful of popcorn."Why are you acting like this, Barry? It's very out of character for you."
"It's about Y/N."Jesse pointed out."Seriously I'm surprised you guys haven't noticed."
"Is it?"Iris asked her best friend.
"Yeah."Barry threw his head back."I just can't believe she's dating Ray! I mean, what does he have that I don't?"
"Money, a billion dollar company, a super suit, amazing hair and, most importantly, Y/N."Caitlin listed before realising everyone was staring at her."What? He asked."
"But he's not even here half the time! He's literally travelling through time with the Legends!"Barry moaned."I just don't understand why she doesn't see how much I-"
A knock on the front door cut him off.
"I'll get it."Cisco announced before shortly returning with you at his side.
"Hey, everyone."You greeted with a half hearted smile.
Barry immediately noticed the sad look in your eyes and paused the movie.
"What's up?"He asked, concern obvious on his expression.
"Are you a meta too?"Iris questioned."Because it'll be ok, we can help you."
"It's nothing like that I'm fine but, I just need to tell you guys something...something big."You took a deep breath and cast your eyes over all of your friends."I'm leaving."
"What do you mean?"Wally asked."Leaving the city? The country?"
"Leaving this year."You answered."I'm joining the Legends with Sara. It's been hard for Ray and I, with him being away all the time so we talked and we decided that it's be better for our relationship if I go with him."
The whole room fell completely silent.
It was as if Barry could feel his own heart breaking.

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