Cisco Ramon🍬 (Part Two)

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This is kind of long so I'm not sure how much sense it makes

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This is kind of long so I'm not sure how much sense it makes.
- Mischa💜

Imagine: Cisco when he sees you cry.
You sat in your car and stared out at the burning sun setting on the horizon.
After Cisco had said what he said about you two being together in the future you'd ran out of STAR Labs and drove your car around the city for hours until you decided on a place to go. Eventually you ended up at the pier, when you were little your dad would take you out on his boat whenever you were sad. He was a great man but sadly was killed in the explosion of the particle accelerator, however he was just an innocent bystander. He was driving home from work when he passed the lab at the wrong time and unfortunately perished, that was how you had met Caitlin, Cisco, Barry and Dr Wells. You had been thankful they were all in your life but now you were cursing their existence.
Staring out at the boats you thought of your dad, he had died and Dr Wells, who was apparently evil, was still alive. Barry, who had been affected, was still alive. Cisco, who clearly didn't care about you, was still here. You assumed Caitlin would've felt the same if she had worked somewhere else and Ronnie was actually dead, but he wasn't. You felt completely alone, even more than usual. After your met your new friends Cisco was the one who you'd go to when you were sad but now he was the one who had upset you.
The sun was almost completely gone now and you quickly wiped the fresh tears from your eyes. You didn't know exactly why you were crying though, it could've been a few different things. Suddenly your phone pinged with a message.

Y/N, where are you?

You rolled your eyes. Cisco was her best friend, there was no way you were answering that.
Another ping.

We're worried

Cisco wants to apologise, he didn't mean to be insensitive

You know that isn't like him at all

He was just...shocked

You knew she was right but you weren't in the mood to listen to reason and instead turned off your continually pinging phone. Sighing loudly you turned your head to the side and screamed when you saw a face outside of your passenger side window.
"It's just me."You barely heard Cisco say, his voice almost inaudible due to the window separating you two.
You frowned at him and asked."What the hell do you want?"
Your "future husband" motioned for you to unlock your car door but instead you just pushed down the window.
"Fine, I guess I deserve this."He muttered, more to himself than you.
"I said what the hell do you want, Cisco?"You asked."I want to be alone."
"Ha, Greta Garbo-"He began before realising it was unintentional quoting of the actress."Sorry."
"For that just there or insulting me?"You snapped.
"Both, I guess."Cisco sighed."I didn't mean to insult you, Y/N-"
"Then why did you have that reaction to us being married in the future?"You asked, hurt still eating away at you."Is it really such a horrible thing, to be my husband?"
"Crap, you thought I-of course you thought...Good God Almighty."The scientist spoke before leaning into your car."I had that reaction because, it was you and me."
"We've established that, Cisco."You pointed out."If you came here to state the obvious, please leave."
"No, no, no, you don't understand. It was you and me."Cisco sighed again, not in frustration but in unhappiness. When he looked back up at you his brown eyes showed a puppy like sorrow."It was us, together. It was surprisingly, astonishing even. Look at yourself, you are gorgeous, smart, funny and one of the best people I've met in my whole life. Happiness practically radiates off you and your smile lights up every room. Hell, even Barry had a slight crush on you when we first met you and he's obsessed with Iris."
You felt your jaw drop a little as you flushed at the way Cisco was complimenting you."Ci-"
"Let me finish."Your friend cut your off."In conclusion, you're perfect, and me? I'm just some scientist geek who you met because of a mistake my colleagues and I made, that ruined your life. In all honesty, I don't deserve to be in your life, let alone be your husband. I don't deserve to be the person you share a home with, the person you share everything with, the person, as much as I want to be, I don't deserve it. Y/N, I don't deserve you."
You were speechless, your eyes just like Cisco's were glossy with tears, but you had not words. Your crush had just stood there and poured his heart out to you.
"Uh, uh, I..."Instead of saying anything you unlocked your car, allowing Cisco to get in and sit beside you.
"Please say something."He pleaded as he faced you."You're making me really nervous here and when-"
Before he could say anything else you kissed him. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer, quickly his lips melted against yours and his hands found your back.
Eventually you pulled away breathless.
"Cisco, I never want to hear you say that again."You told him."How dare you even think that you don't deserve me. Do you know how glad I am that you guys are in my life, you in particular. My dad passed away, yes, and there is not a day that goes by where I don't think about him. Where I don't wish he was still here with me but I don't blame you, or Caitlin, Ronnie, Professor Stein or even Dr Wells. It wasn't your fault and you deserve me more than anyone else ever has, you deserve more than I can give you."
"Y/N..."Cisco gasped, now it was clear he was the speechless one."c-can...can I kiss you again?"
You laughed."Of course you can, you weirdo, why even ask?"
As soon as you stopped speaking however Cisco's lips crashed onto yours.
While you still needed to find a way to save Barry and stop Wells you hoped that at least one part of the future would stay intact.
Your future.

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