Harry Wells🙄 (Part One)

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While writing this Homesick by Dua Lipa (the song above) came on so if you like when Harry begins to talk about "the girl" you can listen to it if you want

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While writing this Homesick by Dua Lipa (the song above) came on so if you like when Harry begins to talk about "the girl" you can listen to it if you want.
- Mischa💜

Imagine: Thinking Harry doesn't like you.
You had stayed back at the old STAR labs one night after Barry, Jay, Caitlin and Cisco had gone home. You didn't have any plans and were obsessing over something and when you were obsessing over something you always through yourself into work. It was a copying mechanism. The thing you were obsessing over however was Wells, or Harry as Cisco called him.
Ever since Harry had arrived in your Earth from Earth-2 you'd been nothing but kind and hospitable, even though the old him had tried to kill your best friends. You were a genuinely nice person and incredibly likeable, if you did say so yourself, but Harry seemed to have something against you. He would walk out of a room as soon as you entered, avoid talking to you, could never make eye contact and you even baked brownies for the team one day and he refused to eat any. It was driving you insane. Cisco had told you that it was ridiculous to think you could please everyone and that people weren't always going to like you but you didn't listen.
So you sat at your computer and looked over the stuff you and Cisco had been working on, drumming your fingers along the desk until.
"Do you mind? That's incredibly annoying."
You looked up to see Harry standing a little ways across the room."Sorry, I thought I was the last one here."
"So did I."He sighed, irritably and rolled his eyes.
"Really? Am I that bad to be around?"You snapped before realising that you'd said it out loud. Your eyes widened and you slapped a hand over your mouth.
"Excuse me?"Harry asked, seemingly a little stunned by your outburst.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."You apologised."Uh, I'll stop drumming my fingers. Actually I'll just go."
You stood up and grabbed your purse about to put on your jacket when the older man stopped you.
"Wait, Y/N."He told you and you looked down at your feet, like a scolded child.
"Yes?"You replied, timidly.
Harry sighed again."You deserve an explanation, I have been particularly...ill mannered towards you. It's not fair."
"Oh uh, really?"You looked back up at him.
"I don't suppose you have a Big Belly Burger in this universe, do you?"
Once you were both seated inside the brightly coloured fast food restaurant you and Harry ordered quickly and waited in silence until your food arrived.
You were too nervous to start the conversation.
What was he going to say to you?
Did you do something?
Say something?
Hold on, in his Earth were you...his daughter?
You began to spiral thinking of all the reasons Wells could have to dislike you so much but then his voice broke you out of your thoughts.
"Thank you."He thanked the waitress as she placed your foods in front of you.
"Oh yes, thanks."You smiled before she walked away.
You plucked a chip (or a fry) from the sleeve (I looked this up, apparently that's what it's called) as you watched Harry unwrap his burger.
"So?"You asked."Are you going to explain why you've been slightly passive towards me or do you just not like to eat alone?"
Instead of earning a chuckle like you thought it might, Wells swallowed what he was eating and set his burger down before answering."What I'm about to tell you is a...delicate topic for me so I'd appreciate if you didn't laugh-"
"I would never."You promised.
"Or interrupt me."The man spoke coldly.
"Right, sorry, go on."You nodded.
"After my wife and Jesse's mother passed I was alone."Harry began, unable to look you in the eyes."We both were heartbroken over what happened and it took as a long time until we could look at photos of her again without crying. I felt abandoned, of course I didn't blame my wife but I loved her dearly and then she was gone. I even began to doubt my abilities as a dad to Jesse, she had lost her mother and, well, I was such a workaholic I didn't know how to relinquish control of STAR Labs to look after my daughter. Eventually as Jesse got older she noticed how lonely I was and she urged me to 'get out there' and meet someone new. I assured I would but honestly I didn't intend to, then I met her. A girl that worked at STAR Labs, we hadn't talked much, in fact someone else had conducted her job interview so if really only seen her in passing. A junior bio-engineer she was and she was gorgeous but I hadn't noticed her until she came to me in my office one day. She had her concerns about the particle accelerator, which obviously I didn't listen to, but I began to feel something for her. Not love at that time but definitely something, like a spark or a hope that I wouldn't be lonely forever. She was a good deal younger than me and when I first started talking to her had an on and off boyfriend, an addict who didn't treat her well but she was convinced she could change him. It was a foolish notion but it wasn't my place to say and as our relationship grew I realised I could never bring myself to tell her. One day, a few days before Thanksgiving, I was about to leave later than normal when I walked past where she worked. She was crying, sobbing and I ducked in to ask her what was wrong. Her boyfriend had died, an overdose, she was completely distraught and I understood how it felt to lose someone so my heart went out to her. I invited her to stay at my place which at first she refused but she came anyway. However the day just before Thanksgiving, when Jesse was on her way home from college, I walked in on her while she was in the shower. It's hard to explain how it happened really but we began an affair. She stayed for Thanksgiving, as her mother had died while serving in the war, her dad was absent and her grandparents who had raised her had passed earlier that year, but after Jesse went back to college we knew that we needed to talk. And we did talk but it was as if we were being drawn to each other so we just let it happen."
Harry stopped taking and looked towards the window, a hand over his mouth, and you realised he was trying to stifle a sob and stop his tears.
"Hey, hey, it's ok."You told him and placed a hand on his arm."Take your time, I won't rush you."
Wells took a deep breath and his eyes moved to where your hand rested on his forearm.
"You're so like her,"He said quietly before looking up."so caring. A-and you look exactly like her, you have the same name, on my Earth...you are her."
Your eyes widened and you blinked at Harry.
"Uh I-I...I don't know what to say."You stuttered.
"That's why I've been avoiding you so much, it's so hard to see her-you, I mean. Because after the particle accelerator explosion-"You could see how hard this was for him as his body was beginning to shake as if he were crying.
"It's ok, Harry."You rubbed his forearm in a soothing manner."I know this can't be easy for you and I don't expect it will be until you have time to heal but, I am glad that you told me. If I can make anything easier for you, just let me know."
Surprisingly Harry chuckled a little."There isn't anything you can do but I would like to try those brownies that you made for the team, I didn't get to have one the first time around."
"Of course."You giggled.

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