Captain Canary💎🗡 (Poly)

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Ranmen11 has wrote me an incredible story including both Sara and Leonard! (it's not a poly)If you like them and AUs I encourage you to check it out!- Mischa💜

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has wrote me an incredible story including both Sara and Leonard! (it's not a poly)
If you like them and AUs I encourage you to check it out!
- Mischa💜

Imagine: Trying to make Leonard and Sara jealous.
"What?"Leonard asked Sara, looking up after feeling her gaze on him for too long.
"So?"White Canary raised her eyebrows.
The supervillain rolled his eyes at his girlfriend."So what?"
"What did you do to piss her off?"Sara nodded her head over to where you were shamelessly flirting with Ray, wearing a tight top, short skirt, a necklace Leonard had "bought" you and Sara's favourite lipstick.
"I don't know what you're talking about."Captain Cold turned away from White Canary.
The former assassin scoffed."Oh come on, she's wearing that necklace you bought her for a reason. To mess with you. Just like she's wearing that lipstick I love on her to antagonise me."
"Fiiiiine."Leonard drawled and rolled his head so he could see Sara."She's annoyed at how I was flirting with that crazy Russian scientist, she thinks I was really into it."
Sara laughed a little."And were you?"
The klepto hummed."Mayyyyybe, I don't know."
The blonde gave a mocking little gasp."Should I be jealous."
"Alright, alright, changing the subject."Captain Cold decided."What does Y/N think you did?"
"I met a nurse in the 50s...and I kind off had a flirtation with her."Sara blushed a little."I had a crush but I'm allowed to have a crush, right? I'm in a relationship with you too so I'm actually asking."
Leonard just shrugged and pursed his lips before adding."I don't know, I mean that Russian was hot-hey!"
He exclaimed in mocking after Sara hit him lightly on the arm.
"Hey, Y/N."
You barely turned around to sound of your girlfriend's voice, you were still mad she had been flirting with the nurse. Not to mention that it was right in front of you.
"Wait one sec, Sara, Ray was just telling my something sooo funny."You lied, not knowing what Ray had been talking about. You'd been too busy stewing in your jealousy to listen to him.
"Actually, Y/N,"Ray began."I'm explaining how the Waverider operates it's not funny at all. If it's tampered with the whole vehicle might explode."
"Sounds like you should probably listen then, sweetheart."Sara purred to you as she walked around so you would have to look at her. You rolled your eyes but as you did she deliberately let the jacket she was wearing drop from her shoulder and exposed the strap of the lacy white lingerie she owned. With a smirk your girlfriend passed right by you and whispered into your ear."Lenny and I'll be waiting in the bedroom once you're done learning about how the Waverider works. Don't take too long tho, we don't wanna have to start without you."
You bit your lip as she left, you wanted to stay mad but you both knew seeing her in the lingerie you loved would make you weak.
"Sorry, Palmer,"You quickly told the billionaire."I gotta go."

Ray scratched his head after you left."I have a feeling I missed something there."
"I don't know how you can call yourself a doctor and miss what was going on there, haircut."Mick laughed."You're sure to hear it later."

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