Floyd Lawton🎯

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Imagine: Floyd talking to you about love

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Imagine: Floyd talking to you about love.
"I miss being in love."You pouted to Carrie as you, her, Floyd, John and Lyla made your way to the hospital."Don't you?"
"Miss it?"Carrie questioned, stopping in her tracks and fixing you with a curious look."I am in love, silly."
"Right,"You rolled your eyes."with the Arrow."
"Exactly."She smiled brightly and continued walking."And one day we will get married and have beautiful children."
"Ok..."You answered to her fantasy before you continued."but I want a love like John and Lyla's-"
"Love is like a bullet in the brain."You and Carrie both stopped before you crashed into Floyd who had turned around to join your conversation."It's not possible for people like us to get married, have kids or even be in love. I should know. Now stop your gossiping, we're on a mission."
Carrie broke away and you assumed went to talk to Lyla about the wedding whereas you hurried to catch up with the marksman.
"Why are you like that?"You asked, you didn't know if your tone should be sympathetic or annoyed.
"Like what?"Floyd answered, his voice sharp as if he didn't want to talk about it.
"Always so pessimistic. Just because something bad happened to you doesn't mean it's going to happen to the rest of us."You snapped.
Suddenly he had turned towards you, grabbed your chin, pressed your back against a tree and had a gun pointed at your neck.
"Something bad?"He hissed, extremely close to your face."You think something bad happened? I almost killed my wife! You have no idea what happens to people like us when we fall in love."
You shoved your knee into his stomach and swiped his legs out from under him so he fell onto the ground before you kicked the gun.
"Never ever point that thing at me again unless you want an actual bullet in your brain."You told him."You're not the only person bad things have happened to but times change. I know it may be hard but you have to move on and believe in yourself again. Believe in love again."

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