Patty & Harry☺️🙄

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Imagine: Patty shooting Earth-2 Wells

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Imagine: Patty shooting Earth-2 Wells.
"Harry?"You called as you walked into STAR Labs."Harry?! Harry, where are you?! I-OH MY GOD!!! PATTY, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!"
"How is he alive?!"Detective Spivot whirled around and pointed her gun at you."How is he still alive?! He's supposed to be dead!"
"He might be now that you just shot him!"You shouted at her before running across to Harry and pulling his head into your lap, thanking the heavens that he still had a pulse."CAITLIN!!!"
Suddenly your best friend rushed in, her eyes quickly flicking over the scene.
A very confused Patty holding her gun, a dying Harry lying motionless, a frantic you with your hands pressed on Harry's chest, fingers covered in his blood.
"Caitlin!"You shouted."We need to help him!"
Snapping into doctor mode she quickly ran over to you and helped lift Harry into the MedBay.
"Is anyone going to tell me what the hell is going on?!"Patty yelled after you.
Thinking quickly Caitlin shouted back."Call Joe!"
"I'm gonna kill Barry."You muttered, eyes never leaving Harry.
"What happened?"She asked lowly as she grabbed bandages off a counter.
"Apparently Barry neglected to tell his girlfriend to not shoot our friends."You hissed."I told everyone that she needed to know. I knew something like this was going to happen."
"Y/N, you know why we couldn't tell her."Caitlin tried to reason with you."We can't just tell people that Barry is-"
"I know."You put more pressure on Harry's chest."It's going to be ok, Harry, you're going to be fine. I promise."

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