Leonard Snart💎 (Part Two)

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Imagine: Leonard when you two interrogate someone

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Imagine: Leonard when you two interrogate someone.
"I won't ask again, Mr Miller."Leonard told the man who's hand you had stuck a knife through earlier so now he was connected to his desk."Where is Vanessa?"
"I have no idea I-I swear, please just let me go."The middle aged professor begged.
"Unfortunately,"You began, turning around and smashing a picture frame you'd been examining on the ground."we know you're lying. So I'll ask again. Where is Vanessa?"
"I'm telling you, she left to go to her boyfriend's house last night and she never came home! She's probably still there! I'll give you the address."Mr Miller scrambled with his non injured hand for a pen but Leonard made him stop by pointing his freeze gun at him.
"Don't you think that was the first place we checked?"Your boyfriend said."She wasn't there."
"R-really? Is she alright?"Mr Miller began to panic."W-We have to c-call the police! Vanessa could be in danger!"
"Exactly!"You exclaimed, getting impatient."Which is why we need to find her."-you noticed the confused look on the older man's face-"And by we, I mean Lenny and I."
"You we are more than happy to kill if you do not tell us what we need to know."Leonard finished."So...are you going to offer any help?"
"I-I don't know what you want from me!"Mr Miller cried.
You groaned and in a flash a knife was lodged into his head, blood spurting from the incision, before his body fell to the floor.
"Oooo."Leonard turned to you."That looks nasty."
"Yeah well he was useless."You folded your arms.
"And now he's dead."Your boyfriend got up and began making his way over to you."I love you, princess, but you just cost us our last lead to finding Vanessa."
"He was hardly a lead."You spoke, still in an incredibly infuriated tone."Plus I know exactly where we are going next."
"You do?"Leonard asked, intrigued.
You picked up the frame you had smashed and plucked the photo out from the broken shards of glass. The photo was of a girl. A girl with Leonard's blue eyes and your Y/H/C hair. She was standing beside Oliver and Thea Queen.
"We're going to Star City."You showed the photo to Leonard."I will find our daughter if it's the last thing I do."

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