Leonard Snart💎 (Part Three)

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Imagine: Calling in help on the search for your daughter

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Imagine: Calling in help on the search for your daughter.
"So how do you plan on finding a time to chat with Oliver Queen then?"You asked Leonard as you walked a little ahead of him."Show up in his apartment and threaten him with your freeze gun until he tells us everything he knows about Vanessa, and then of course do the same to his sister."
"It's a much better plan than yours."He grumbled.
You reached your destination and turned around to face your fellow ex supervillain.
"I don't see why you're being so pissy about this."You put your hands on your hips."He doesn't know that you told me who he is, I'm masked up and he already knows who you are."
"We've already killed two people, Y/N, he might know. I don't want a target on my head."Leonard spoke quietly through gritted teeth.
"Ok first of all I have already killed two people and second of all, neither of them were in Central City. So not his city, not his problem."You corrected before suddenly lighting up."Ah!"
"What?"Leonard asked, clearly concerned, as he quickly whipped out his freeze gun.
"I can sense him. He's here!"You spun around, a wide smile on your lips."Come on out, Flaaaash, I won't bite!"
In a second the speedster in red was standing in front of both you and your companion.
"Snart."He nodded towards your ex before turning to you."Y/L/N."
You gave faux surprised, mocking, little gasp."Oh, Lenny, he knows who I am! Should I feel honoured or scared?"
"You shouldn't feel scared unless you've done something."The Flash aka Barry Allen warned.
"We haven't done anything."Leonard answered for you, his tone even colder than normal around the superhero.
"Perfect angels."You batted your eyelashes and drew a cross over your heart."Promise."
"Then why are you still pointing that thing at me?"The Flash pointed a finger behind you.
"Lenny honey, put the gun down."You said."He's not going to hurt us, you told me you two had a truce. And no before you ask, he did not tell me who you are so don't worry."
"We need your help."Leonard spoke up and he moved to stand beside you."As much as it pains me to say it."
"Why would I help you?"The Flash asked.
"It's a personal matter."Your ex told him."No one's going to get hurt, I'm not going to steal or maim, neither is Bombshell over here-"
"No promises."You teased.
Leonard turned and glared at you."I'll keep her in check, but we need information about a certain billionaire. Oliver Queen aka The Green Arrow."
"And we know you know him so don't lie."You interjected."You may not have dealt with Lenny or myself as a team but we have a mutual friend."
"Why didn't you just ask this mutual friend?"The Flash inquired.
Leonard tipped his head from side to side."He's in between places, it'd be too difficult to reach him."
"We already know his secret identity, his friend and his girlfriend so there's no harm in telling us where his base is."You stated."Unless of course you think he can't handle himself."
"No one is going to get hurt?"Flash asked again to make sure.
"Swear."You told him.
The superhero eyed both you and Leonard carefully and you both gave each other an amused smile.
"His base is in the basement of Palmer Tech."Flash said."But be warned, he may not kill anymore but Green Arrow and his team will hold you accountable to your crimes."
"Yeah yeah, we know."Leonard rolled his eyes."You can leave."
"Toodles."You waved before the Flash sped off.
You turned and began walking back the way you came with Leonard.
"You're different when you're Bombshell."He broke the silence.
"How so?"
"You're annoying but like bitchy annoying."
"Yeah well technically Bombshell isn't me so I may as well give her a different personality."
"Fair enough."
"By the way, who was it gave me that name? I'd like to give them a call."

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