Cisco Ramon🍬 (Part One)

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Imagine: Cisco being shocked about the future

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Imagine: Cisco being shocked about the future.
"Sooooo Iris and the future, we're like together?"Barry scratched his head.
"Looks like it."Caitlin nodded, even she seemed a little shocked.
" that us?"You pointed to the bottom corner of the article where the top of a picture looked as if it showed you, Caitlin and Cisco.
"Gideon, can you show us the rest of the article?"Barry asked.
The AI complied."Of course."
It scrolled down until the rest of the article was on view, including the picture that was in fact of Caitlin, Cisco and you. All three of you had tear filled eyes, your cheeks were tear stained, Caitlin looked as if she were still crying and Cisco seemed as if he was bravely trying to keep it together, his arms around both you and your best friend.
Cisco leaned forward to peer at the article, his hand brushing against yours.
You jumped a little and moved away as subtly as you could.
He began to read."Friends, Dr Caitlin Snow, Cisco and Y/N...Ramon."
Your mouth dropped open.
Y/N Ramon.
Were you and the shocked you much more than the fact Iris and Barry were married.
Sure, did you have a major crush on Cisco?
But did you ever think that he felt the same, let alone would marry you?
You blinked rapidly, you were completely speechless but you looked to Cisco to see how he felt.
He was staring back at you with an equally shocked expression and you could feel both Barry and Caitlin's eyes on you.
"Uh, Cisco-"You started, once you got your voice back but were quickly cut off by your crush's nervous laugh.
He turned back to the screen before saying."Yeah, nope."
"Cisco!"Caitlin exclaimed, scolding him.
"What?"You asked in a barely audible tone.
Did he not like you?
That was fair enough but to laugh about it and say "yeah, nope.", that was kind of rude.
Feeling equal levels of sadness and hurt you began stuttering and stammering.
You felt incredibly embarrassed.
"I-I gotta go."You finally told them before leaving Dr Wells' secret room quickly, you wouldn't let anyone see you cry over that.

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