Harry & Cisco🙄🍬 (Part Two)

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Imagine: Cisco not liking the way Harry feels about you

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Imagine: Cisco not liking the way Harry feels about you.
After the night at Big Belly Burger things got easier between you and Harry which shocked everyone but you didn't feel comfortable telling them why. It was Harry's story and if he wanted to tell people he could do so, it wasn't your place so you kept quiet. That was until your best friend Cisco cornered you one day and demanded to know what you were keeping from him, so reluctantly you told him, the abridged version. He was incredibly surprised, not that you expected him to be cool with it, and had lots of questions but you begged him not to tell Harry and he complied.
"You told him didn't you."You heard Harry hiss as he stopped you before you entered the main room and pulled you just outside the room to talk.
"He told you?"You pouted."I'm gonna kill him."
"He didn't tell me but he's been throwing my weird looks all week so I figured it out."Harry told you in a very disappointed tone."
"I'm sorry but, Cisco and I, we don't keep secrets from each other. It's our thing."You explained.
Wells rolled his eyes."I don't care if it's your thing with the person who gives you coffee at Jitters, I don't want you to mention it again. Got it?"
"Yes."You nodded, feeling like a scolded child."I'm sorry."
"It's done."Your elder said before walking into the room, you composing yourself and trailing behind.
Cisco slurped his coffee loudly.
Barry had gone to the CCPD, Iris was at her job and Caitlin and Jay had gone on a date so it was just him and Harry left in STAR Labs.
In all honesty Cisco hadn't like the fact that your Earth-2 doppelgänger and Harry had a thing. It was weird to him, and yeah you were both legal and age was just a number but it made Cisco jealous. Ever since you two had met, on the first day he began working at STAR Labs when you complimented his shirt, Cisco had secretly been working up the nerve to ask you out. The only person who knew was Iris and that was only because she asked and Cisco reluctantly let her know his secret.
Earlier that day you'd told Cisco that Harry knew and expressed how bad you felt about telling Cisco, he assured you that you shouldn't feel bad and since it was your doppelgänger you did have a right to know. You had shrugged but eventually just left to go clear your head or maybe you had just left for the day, Cisco didn't know. All he knew was that he and Harry were the only two left in STAR Labs.
"Do you mind?"Harry looked to the younger man.
"What?"The engineer asked and lowered his mouth to the mug again.
"Doooon't."Wells groaned as Cisco extended this slurp."What is it, Ramon?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."The long haired man slammed down his mug, a lot harder than he'd expected and with more anger.
"Yes you do."Harry continued."Ever since your Y/N told you about my Y/N you've been weird, so I'll ask again. What is it?"
Cisco spun in his chair to face his elder."You're a smart guy Harry, figure it out."
"Well, my first thought was that it just in your nature to act like a child,"Wells started, to which Cisco stuck out his tongue at, not caring that it wasn't helping his case."but now I'm wondering...are you jealous?"
"Yes. Yes you are. You like Y/N and your jealous that in my Earth that I had a relationship with her while in this Earth you can't even work up the nerve to ask her out. Or maybe you're worried that I'll steal her before you have the chance to."Harry laughed, triumphantly.
"How are you and Iris the only ones to work this out?!"Cisco exclaimed."I've known Caitlin for years and she's completely oblivious! I've known Y/N for even longer and she has no idea!"
"Then maybe you should tell her."Wells suggested."You know, before I steal her."
"I'm pretty sure you're joking but just in case."The engineer got up, grabbed his jacket and left.

Once he left the room Harry chuckled to himself slightly. Of course he wanted you back but he wanted to you from his Earth and that was impossible. It might be better for him if Cisco began a relationship with you, because if you had the same powers that your Earth-2 doppelgänger gained after the particle accelerator exploded...let's just say that Harry didn't want to have to deal with that again.

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