Adrian Chase🤔

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WendyLongbottom Hope you like this!And again everyone please don't comment any spoilers for S5!- Mischa💜

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Hope you like this!
And again everyone please don't comment any spoilers for S5!
- Mischa💜

Imagine: Adrian at your wake.
Oliver roughly grabbed Adrian by the shoulder and pulled him aside. Hatred etched into his face as he spoke through his teeth."I know what you did, Adrian, I swear to god I will make y-"
"Please don't threaten me."Adrian told him, looking down."I'm in mourning."
He turned and began to walk away before he felt Oliver grab his arm with a bone crushing grip.
Adrian spun around but composed himself quickly before saying calmly."Let me go, Oliver."
"No, you don't deserve any time to mourn. In fact...Y/N is better off without you-"The Green Arrow was cut off once Adrian's knuckles met his nose, a sickening crack sounding throughout the room. Everyone at the wake turned to see Mayor Queen holding his face and his furious DA nursing his slightly red hand.
"How dare you?!"Adrian yelled."How dare you speak to me like that today of all days! The woman I love is dead! My wife is dead and you dare to speak to me that way! Y/N being gone is my worst nightmare come true! So however evil you think I am, how monstrous and depraved you believe me to be, just let me have this one day to mourn as a human. As a man who has lost the love of his life."

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