Ray Palmer🦠

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Imagine: First seeing Ray

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Imagine: First seeing Ray.
"Should I get him a coffee?"You whispered quietly to Oliver.
"What?"He asked, but kept his eyes on Palmer as he presented his proposal.
"I'm an assistant, I get people coffee. That's like most of my job description, unless he's some sort of superhero like you as well."You explained.
"Yeah but you're my assistant."Oliver reminded you.
"Doesn't look like I'll be for much longer."You pointed out, motioning to the Queen Consolidate's board members."These guys are eating this up and I want to get on the good side of my new boss...though it doesn't look like he has a bad side."
You let your eyes roam over Ray as he turned to the other side.
"Oh my god, you just think he's hot."Oliver hissed.
You shrugged."So what if I do? I can't date my boss, it's against company policy...or at least it was when you were running things."You smirked as Ray finished."I'm going to go and get Mr Palmer's coffee order."

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