Cisco Ramon🍬

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Imagine: Cisco having a crush on you

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Imagine: Cisco having a crush on you.
"Barry!"You squealed running into STAR Labs, startling all three of your friends who spun around to look at you. Shock and concern evident on their faces. You headed straight for your meta human friend who looked the most shocked and flung your arms around his neck."I love you so so much!"
Barry laughed and returned your enthusiastic hug."I'm guessing it went well then."
"So amazingly well."You released him but kept the beaming smile on your face.
"What went well?"Caitlin asked from where she had been standing not too far away from Barry.
"Oh nothing,"You shrugged."just the date Mr Matchmaker over here set me up on."
"Date?"Caitlin grinned."That sounds interesting. Anyone we would know? Like a certain vigilante from, hmm I don't know, Starling City?"
"No, no, it's not Oliver."Barry laughed.
"Thank god he's much too old for you."You heard a voice state bitterly from behind you.
"Hi, Cisco."You greeted as you turned to look at your friend, before playfully raising an eyebrow."What's with the attitude?"
"Nothing."He grumbled, turning back around to his computer.
Barry and Caitlin walked into the lab and descended into a separate conversation, as if sensing that you and Cisco needed to talk alone.
You frowned at Cisco's back and walked over to him."Hey, are you ok?"
"I'm fine."He stood up abruptly and started to walk off.
You started after him, quickening your pace to keep up."Clearly you're not. People are never fine when they say they are."
"Then I'm good, I'm great, I'm fantastic."Cisco spat out, bitterness still prominent in every word.
He led you into his engineering room but just as he crossed the threshold you grabbed his arm.
"Cisco."You said quietly, making him turn to look at you."Did I do something?"
You gave you friend a face that had worked since you'd met him. Every time you did it it seemed to make him open up to you or basically help you get your way.
Cisco sighed softly."No, it's not you. You didn't do anything, Y/N."
"Then why are you being like this?"You let go of his arm.
He rubbed his temples before folding his arms."It's just...I know you came here because of Ronnie and now that he's gone you don't really have a reason to stay-"
"I do have a reason to stay."You told Cisco, even though bringing up your brother's death made you want to start crying you couldn't. You'd spent months doing it after what had happened, also if Caitlin saw you in tears she'd probably break down too."I have Barry, Iris, Joe, Caitlin, who is practically my older sister and acts like it, and you, my best friend. Cisco, I need to be around people who I love and who care about me. So if you're worried about me leaving you don't need to be, I'm not going to."

"Yeah, that's it."Cisco plastered a fake smile on his face, hoping you wouldn't see past his lie."I just like having you here, it's be so dull if you left us."
"Aww."You pouted playfully."Well, it's nice to know I'd be missed."
You wrapped Cisco in a hug and he let his smile fade. He never wanted to let you go, if he could hold you forever he would but he couldn't. He was too late now, Caitlin had warned him if he didn't man up and ask you out someone else would and now apparently someone had. Or rather Barry had set you up with someone. Cisco wished he could be angry or blame someone other than himself but it was impossible, Barry had no idea Cisco liked you and it was Cisco's own fault for waiting too long.
You pulled away from the hug."And if you want, we can hang out now. I mean I'm meeting Alex in a couple hours but I have some time to kill. Show me what you've been working on and I'll show you exactly how to improve it."
Cisco forced out a believable laugh."Ok, little miss Cal Tech, see if you can improve this."
You and Cisco stayed later than you'd originally planned. Iris had come in bearing coffees, which you had happily taken, Barry and Caitlin had both left and still you and Cisco were laughing together. Now back in the main room, Cisco at his computer and you perched on the desk you finally checked the time.
"Oh my god!"You exclaimed, jumping off the desk."I need to go, I'm going to be so late."
"What?"Cisco asked, alarmed.
"I have a date, remember?"You told him, grabbing your bag.
"Right, your date...with Alex."Cisco gave a smile and pointed.
You gave him a half smile back."I'm so sorry but I had a great time tonight."
"Me too."Your friend told you.
"See you tomorrow."You gave Cisco a quick kiss on the cheek before dashing off.
You got in your car and began to drive to the restaurant Alex had told you to meet him at, but your mind began to wonder to a thought you had pushed to back of your mind. If only Cisco was the one you were going to meet instead of the one you had to ditch.

Unfortunately you didn't know he liked you back.

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