Patty Spivot☺️

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Imagine: Not liking how Barry treats Patty

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Imagine: Not liking how Barry treats Patty.
"Barry, if you want to keep dating Patty you might want to get here quickly."Cisco told his friend through the phone.
"What?"Barry questioned, it was clear he was running."Hold on, what do you mean?"
"I mean that Y/N is angry at you and actively trying to destroy your relationship with Patty."The engineer spoke quickly, his eyes on you as you made your way through the people at the art gallery.
"Actively trying how?"
"I'm not exactly sure but she's walking over to her right now."

"Hey, Patty!"You waved over to the detective with a bright smile.
She turned and looked around 'god she looked fantastic' before she spotted you and waved back."Hi, Y/N. Barry didn't tell me you'd be here."
"I'm here with Cisco."You pointed back at him with your thumb."As friends of course."
"Of course."Patty nodded, she looked down sadly at her feet.
You frowned."Are you ok?"
You knew that she wasn't. Sure maybe Barry was trying his best to be a good boyfriend, buuuut his best was not good enough. You thought that Patty deserved better and she should know that. Cisco had been constantly telling you to stay out of it, mostly because he knew you had a crush on Patty, because he claimed it wasn't any of your business. Whereas you defended yourself by saying you were helping a friend in need.
You were only half lying.
Did you have a crush on Patty?
Did you want her and Barry to break up?
Also yes.
But did you want to be the one who broke them up?
No, you really didn't.
"Yeah, I'm fine."Patty lied, swaying a little."I guess I'm just a little bummed that Barry-"
"Hey, Patty, I'm here!"You heard a shout and turned to see Barry jogging over to you and his girlfriend.
You immediately frowned and gave an inaudible sigh while the detective's face lit up with glee.
"Barry!"She exclaimed.
"Thanks for looking after her while I was on my way, Y/N."The speedster said but her barely even looked at you.
" problem."You frowned before walking off.

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