Sara Lance🗡

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Alejandra_Lance1224 I hope this is more or less what you were looking for

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I hope this is more or less what you were looking for.
- Mischa💜

Imagine: Sara when she's jealous of Felicity.
"Y/N!"Felicity ran up to you, tackling you in a hug once she saw you in the "Arrow Cave"."You're here!"
"Hey, genius."You giggled at her joy and hugged her back once you regained your balance.
Over your best friend's shoulder you saw Sara roll her eyes and give you the look.
You mouthed a "be nice" to her before Felicity pulled away from you.
"So much has happened since you left!"Felicity exclaimed."I have to tell you everything. Sara, I hope you don't mind if I steal your girlfriend for a while."
"I do mind."Sara spoke, colder than usual."And she's my fiancée."
You smiled at Felicity and showed her the ring.
"Oh my god! Congratulations, guys!"She pulled you both into a hug."Oli! Sara and Y/N are engaged!.

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