#10 Scenario- Their Reaction To Your Short Haircut

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Requested by pottahsium

The request is as stated
-Their reaction to your new short haircut that you did in order to hide a scar that you got on the latest expedition(that you are super insecure about)-

Also this may not suite readers with already short hair or readers with kinky hair

Gender neutral reader


You had gotten a large cut on your eye during the last expedition. You thought it looked ugly. You grabbed a pair of scissors and cut your hair short. You gave yourself bangs that would cover your scarred eye. After you were finished with your hair you heard a knock on the door. Shortly after the door opened

Eren Jaeger

You saw Eren and he looked at you for a couple seconds

"What with the new look?" He asks

"Thought I could use a new hairstyle" You say

"Well I think you look pretty" He says as he blushes. You smile at him

"Although it kind of blocks your face" He says

"Oh that's the point" You say. He looks at you confused

"But why?" He asks

"No reason in particular" You say. He gives you a 'quit lying to me' look

"I'm serious" You say. He walks closer to you and you instinctively step back.

"Why are you stepping away? What's under your bangs?" He asks

"It's nothing" You say. He looks at you unconvinced as he basically pounces on you. He straddles your hips as you struggle underneath him

"Get off of me" You say

"Why are you struggling so much? I just want to know" He says as he moves your bangs out of the way. Your eyes begin to water as you look away. His eyes instantly soften. He got off of you and pulled you into his chest.

"Y/n..." He says softly

"I know it's ugly.." You say as you begin to cry

"It's not ugly..." He says as he rubs your back

"Yes it is" You say

"No matter what I'll always think you're beautiful" He says
(I'm watching you s4 Eren)

Mikasa Ackerman

You saw Mikasa. She stared at you

"I like your hair, but it's covering your face" She says

"I know" You say

"Why?" She asks

"Because I want it to" You say

"But I like seeing your face" She says

"I don't want you to see it" You say

"Why not?" She asks

"Because it's better if you don't" You say

"Did someone hurt you?" She asks as her face darkens

"No it's not that" You say

"Then why won't you show me?" She asks

"Because you'll think I'm ugly" You say as you look away. She walks closer to you and puts a hand on your cheek. She turns your head so you're facing her

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