#4 Scenario- How You Meet

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Eren Jaeger

You had been getting beat up alongside Armin.

"What a bunch of nerds" one of the bullies says. You begin to cry as Armin tries to protect you. Then out of no where the bullies begin running away. You look confused. You then see two kids. One with brown hair and green eyes and the other with black hair and black eyes. You hid behind Armin nervously.

"Armin are you alright?" The boy asks

"They took my book and beat us up" Armin says

"Let me see your injuries" The girl says.

"I don't really have any, they were more violent towards Y/n today" Armin says. Both kids look at you and you hide further behind Armin.

"Sorry, they're kind of shy" Armin says.

"Well I'm Eren and this is my sister Mikasa" Eren says

Mikasa Ackerman

You were reading with Armin when bullies came up to you. You had always been stronger than Armin so you always took the beatings. Today however they were much more violent. They continued kicking you. Armin just stared horrified but you smiled weakly at him. You then heard the bullies run away. You collapsed on the ground and Armin rushed to you.

"Y/n?! Are you alright?!" Armin asks

"Are you alright? They didn't hurt you right?" You ask as you cough up blood. You then heard footsteps running towards you. You closed your eyes hoping that would make the pain go away.

"Armin what happened?" A boy asked

"The bullies came and beat Y/n up, they took all the hits for me" Armin said crying.

"Here lets carry them back to father" A girl says. You open your eyes to see a girl with black hair and black eyes looking at you. She was beautiful. She then picked you up.

"I'm Mikasa and that's my brother Eren" She says.

"Y/n" You say weakly

Armin Arlert

You had been walking around town when you saw 4 kids ganging up on a smaller blonde haired boy. They began beating him up. You jumped in front of them and punched one of them in the face. He stumbled backwards and another kicked you. You fell to the ground and they began beating you. You coughed and groaned in pain. Then you heard them run off.

"What happened?" A boy asked

"The bullies beat me up and took my book but then they jumped in and helped me, but then they beat them up" The blonde boy says. You get off the ground.

"Is this your book?" You ask as you pull out a book. His eyes widened.

"It is. How did you get it?" He asks. You giggle but then groan in pain. He looks at me worried.

"Are you alright?!" He asks. You nod

"Just a couple of scratches" You say smiling.

"I'm Armin and that's Eren and Mikasa" He says pointing to his friends. You hand him the book

"I'm Y/n"

Jean Kirschtein

You were eating dinner with your friends Armin, Eren, and Mikasa. You were apart of the 104th Cadet Corps. A boy with a horse face walked over to you. He was kind of attractive and you looked away embarrassed. He then sat next to you.

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