#16 Headcanon: How They Would React If You Had Depression or ADHD

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Eren Jaeger

°If he found out you had depression he would probably say "Just stop being sad" because he's an idiot and doesn't really know what depression actually is. You'd have to explain it and then he'd feel bad for his previous comment and apologize

• If he found out you had ADHD, he'd probably laugh at you. But he's also laughing at his self because he just has undiagnosed ADHD

Mikasa Ackerman

○ If she found out you had depression. She'd be 100% supportive and would do anything you asked her to. Although that isn't a change as she already did that before. But she'll throw in some more compliments and try to motivate you, hoping to help you

● If she found out you had ADHD she would be more attentive towards you then she was before and if she sees you getting overwhelmed, no matter what it is, she'll remove you from the situation to help you out. If she sees you zone out, she'll politely zone you back in

Jean Kirschtein

□ If he found out you had depression. He'd treat you the same way as before. He was already caring and being 100% supportive so not much would change. If you didn't have motivation to do anything that day, he'd probably say "It's no problem. I got it, don't worry"

■ If he found out you had ADHD. He'd listen to anything you were hyperfixating on, he didn't actually care what you were saying but he loved listening to you talk so passionately about a topic. If you lose focus he'll help you regain focus and if you forget to do something. He won't be mad, he'll probably say "I didn't leave a note, so I guess I'm partially to blame"

Armin Arlert

♤ If he found out you had depression, he'd be there for you every step of the way. If you needed something, he would get it. If it got really bad and even he couldn't help you, he might try to manipulate you to take care of yourself. He will only use that as a last resort if it gets really bad. He only does it for your best interest, but will still feel guilty after.

♡ If he found out you had ADHD. Like Jean, he loves listening to you rant about your hyperfixations. Unlike Jean though, he does care about what you're talking about. He'll even ask questions and try to get more involved in the subject so he can make you happy. He also does his best to avoid triggering your rejection sensitivity dysphoria

Marco Bodt

◇ If he found out you had depression. This man would be your number 1 in everything. He would do anything you asked if you weren't feeling it that day. He would be supportive and understanding. He would do his best to motivate you. He'd get you gifts to try and make you feel better. He'd compliment you just to let you know, he still loves you. But that isn't much of a change, he always did this in the first place

♧ If he found out you had ADHD, this man is still your number 1. You're hyperfixating on something? He'll get you something related to it. You have low self esteem? He lets you know that you are the only person in the world. If you have a sensory overload in public. He'll excuse you both and take you somewhere quiet. He does everything in your favor because he is a king

Reiner Braun

☆ If he found out you had depression, well he's got it too so he understands how you're feeling. Although your relationship may get rocky as it'll require a lot of effort from both of you. But he'll do his best to make sure you know you're loved even when he's at his lowest

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