#1 Reiner x F!Injured!Reader

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Requested by 53738383jdhd

Type: Angst with a happy ending

Reader: Fem!Injured

Title: I'm Sorry

Info- Y/n's Titan
The Ice Titan
Can create ice and stuff
(Its not creative but Snow Fairy is playing on Spotify rn so like🤷‍♀️)

Y/n's POV

One minute Willy Tybur was on stage and the next the Attack Titan appeared.. it happened so quick. After that Lara Tybur, The War Hammer Titan began fighting the Attack Titan. She was winning until he figured out that she wasn't attached to the body. I watched as he tried to eat her but couldn't. The Jaw Titan appeared and began attacking the Attack Titan. The Attack Titan grabbed the Jaw Titan and that's when I used my ring to transform. I stared at the Attack Titan as I shot Ice through him. Porco was freed and a couple steps back. I approached the Attack Titan as I got ready to kill him when he suddenly escaped. Before I could even react he had thrown me to the ground

Crap this isn't good

My back was to him as I struggled.

I could shoot ice... but I'll damage myself..

I then felt my head being squished


I used the ice and stabbed the Attack Titan and myself. I cried in pain as the ice impaled me. The Attack Titan wouldn't go down. I felt my nape get cut open. I looked up to see a girl with black hair. A giant hand then picked me up, blood dripped from my stomach. I was suffering damage from the ice.

I'm going to beat eaten... sorry Reiner

As I'm about to be dropped into the Attack Titan's mouth I'm jolted out of its hands and caught by someone else. My shirt was completely soaked red as I felt my vision going blurry.

I'll heal...

I notice the Jaw Titan has me...right before I black out

~Time Skip~

I wake up to see I'm in my bedroom. I look over to see Reiner staring at me worriedly

"Hey Rei" I say

"I'm sorry" He mutters

"Sorry for what?" I ask

"You wouldn't have gotten hurt if I had been quicker" He says

"Don't blame yourself, I'm a titan so I heal anyway" I say

"No you don't understand..." He mutters as tears threaten to fall from his face. I put my hand on his cheek

"I was gonna die then, I had given up.." He says as tears streamed down his face

"Come here" I say as I hold my arms open. He scoots closer and I wrap my arms around him as he cries

"I'm so sorry..." He says muffled. I run my fingers through his hair

"If I-" He begins but I cut him off

"Hey Reiner am I alive?" I ask

"Yes" He says

"Then it's alright" I say

"But you didn't have to get injured because of my selfishness" He says. I pull away from him and look him in the eyes

"If you feel so guilty then make me breakfast" I say as I lean in to kiss him with a smile. He kisses back and then we break apart

"If that's what you want I can" He says

"Reiner I was kidding. I don't blame you" I say giggling

"No no, I'll do it" He says as he gets out of bed. I sigh

"Hey Reiner?" I ask

"Yeah?" He asks

"I love you" I say. His face tints pink

"I love you too" He mutters as he walks out of the room

(586 words)

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