#1 Historia x F!Reader

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Requested by Mikasamakesmewet
(I think this is you)

Type: Fluff

Reader: Fem

Title: Injury

Y/n's POV

Historia had gotten herself hurt and she couldn't walk, so I was assigned to take care of her.

"Y/n, I'll be fine, really" She says

"No, I've got it" I say as I begin making her food.

"Thank you..." She mutters as I continue cooking

"Y/n?" She asks

"Yes?" I ask

"You know I love you right?" She asks. My face heats up

"I know.. I love you too" I say. She smiles as I finish up

"I'm glad we're together" She says

"I am too" I say as I walk over to her with the food. I place the food in front of her.

"Thank you" She says as she goes to eat it but look at me and stops. I look at her confused

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Well aren't you going to eat?" She asks. I smile

"I'm good" I say. My stomach growls and my face heats up. She pushes the plate over to me

"You eat it" She says

"I'm fine, you're hurt and need it more" I say. She frowns

"I won't eat any unless you eat as well" She says crossing her arms

"I'll eat half" I say instantly giving in. She smiles

"Deal" she says. I take half and we both eat it. She starts gushing over it

"Y/n, you cook so well" She says smiling. We finish eating and I've taken over Historia's cleaning duties. I begin cleaning

"Y/n you don't have to" She says

"No, it's fine. One because Levi will yell at us all and two, I don't mind helping out my girlfriend you know" I say as I scrub the floors

Historia's POV

I watched as Y/n cleaned. I felt bad because its not her responsibility to do my work. I was also feeling sort of clingy.

How to get her out cleaning without getting her in trouble

An idea came into my head.

This is gonna hurt... but it'll be worth it

I make myself stand up which sends pain streaming up my legs. I lose balance and tumble over the bench making a loud noise. My eyes slam shut as I lay on the ground.

This was a bad idea

I struggle not to cry from the pain

Y/n's POV

I turned around after a hearing a loud crash. I saw Historia on the ground, clearly in pain. I dropped the rag and ran over to her

"Historia? What happened?!" I ask concerned

"I thought maybe I could... as stand up.." She groans in pain. I pick her up bridal style. She clutches onto my shirt as she tries to quietly deal with the pain

"We'll be in the infirmary soon. Hold on" I say

"Sorry.." She mutters. We enter the infirmary and I lay her down on a bed. The nurse comes over

"What happened?!" She asks

"She thought she could stand up.. and she hurt herself" I say

"Historia I told you to wait at least a week" The nurse says. I look to Historia to see her in pain

"I- I just thought I'd be okay" She says. Me and the nurse sigh. I hold my hand out for her to grab

"There isn't much I can do for you, but stop applying pressure to your legs" The nurse says as she walks out. I sit next to Historia. We stare at eachother until she breaks the silence

"I'm sorry" She mutters

"Why are you sorry?" I ask

"I did it on purpose" She says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I intentionally hurt myself" She says. I stared at her shocked

"Why would you do that?!" I ask confused

"I just wanted to help you get out of cleaning.." She says. I sigh

"Historia, you can't do that" I say

"I'm sorry" She says. I kiss her forehead

"Promise not to do it again?" I ask

"Promise" She says with a pained smile

(673 words)

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