#2 Levi x F!Neko!Reader

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Requested by SoftBunny_Chan

Type: Crackfic

Reader: Fem!Neko

Title: Fire

Y/n's POV

I woke up just like any other day. I look at myself in the mirror.

I'm the failed creation of turning a human into a cat. Why would anyone do that? I don't know. So basically I've got cat ears and a tail. Yes you are a failure

I smile at myself after realizing how much of a disappointment I am.

Let's go upset of Levi. YAY!

I run to Levi's office. I kick the door down.

He's not here

I run around until I find him. He's cleaning. An evil smirk appears on my face. I run outside and get mud on my hands. I then come back in and smear mud all over the table. He looks at me with the dirtiest glare I had ever seen. He yanks the cloth off of his mouth.

"Okay you little brat, let me tell you how this is gonna work, you're gonna cle-" He begins but I cut him off

"You ain't gonna tell me nothing" I say

"Listen" He says

"Kiss my shoe" I say

"Shut up, listen to me" He says

"Kiss my shoe you loser" I say


"Kiss my shoe"

"You are going to be here cleaning th-" He begins but I cut him off

"You're going to be here kissing my shoe" I say

"You will listen to me now" He says

"Kiss my shoe" I say

"I swear I will kill ou" He says

"I swear I will kill you" I say mocking him

"Fine, I'll just burn your Pokémon cards" Levi says

"You monster, you momster. You MONSTER, I will reign ABSOLUTE TERROR upon you!" I yell

"I don't care about no brat, I don't care about no brat" Levi lowkey sings. I begin crying, he looks concerned. I smirk

"AHA YOU FELL FOR IT!" I yell as I light the table on fire. Levi begins choking me. Hange rushes in

"LEVI, LEVI STOP!" They yell

"be for real" Levi says

"Let's make a deal" Hange says

"be for real" Levi says as he continues choking me

"Is you off the pill?" Hange asks. Levi nods.

"Okay, let's make a deal, you let her go and I'll show you my elite cleaning supplies" They say. Levi releases me.

"You have my attention" He says

"Well it's actually Petra" They says

"Talking, talking about Petra?" I ask. They nod

"Nah, nah nah, you mean like, Petra with the eyes?" I ask. They nod once more

"Petra with strawberry blonde hair?" I ask. They nod again

"Dang, I stole your girl" I say with a smirk

"She's not my girl" Levi says

"Not anymore she's not" I say

"She never was" Levi says. A bunch of new cadets walk in. They all stare at me. I instantly walk over and smile

"Right, I haven't introduced myself... I'm San- Y/n!" I say


"Listen I'm sorry I kicked your little brother, I'm a libra" I say
(If you're not a libra then it's you just spitting out literal bullcrap)

"Your little brother deserved the death penalty anyway" I say. The cadets stare at me horrified

"I WILL MURDER YOU!" That same cadet says

"You know you're talking a lot of shit for someone with two perfectly good eyeballs each priced at about 762 dollars in the underground" I say. The cadet steps back.

"I'll show you all around, don't be freaked, stay with me. She does this like 8 times a week" Hange says with a smile. I turn to see Levi smiling at me

"Oh my gosh... Levi likes me" I say

"Just because I'm smiling... doesn't mean I like you... I could be picturing you on fire... you'd just never know... oh wait" Levi says as he lights me on fire

"Wow dreams really do come true" He says as I die


(680 Words)

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