#3 Erwin x GN!Reader

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Requested by SamanthaReneDasig

Type: Modern AU/Fluff

Reader: Gender Neutral

Title: Coffee

Also requests are open and ngl I wouldn't mind Floch, Connie, Onyankopon, or Niccolo requests if you ahem catch my drift

Y/n's POV

I was working at the coffee shop. A taller male with blonde hair walked into the store. He had blue eyes and he was quite attractive. Of course I didn't tell him that. He walked up to the counter

"Hi! What can I get for you?" I ask. He smiles at me

"Hi yes, can I get a black coffee?" He asks. I nod and begin making a black coffee
(Dont know how its made but yeah)

"And what name can I put it under?" I ask

"Erwin" He says. I nod

"And will that be all?" I ask

"That will be it. How much do I owe you?" He asks

"That'll be $2.86" I say. He pulls out his wallet and hands me the money. I hand him his drink

"That was very um... lit of you" He says. I look at him confused, I then laugh

"You don't use lit like that" I say. He looks confused

"Oh, I apologize.. I'm trying to learn today's language" He says. I giggle

"No you're fine" I say. He smiles and checks his watch

"I do believe I have to go, I don't want to be late for work. It was lovely meeting you erm.. Y/n" He says looking at my name tag. I smile at him

"The feeling is mutual" I say. He nods and walks out

(263 words)

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