#1 Niccolo x M!Reader

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Requested by 14141414t

Type: Fluff

Reader: Male

Title: Letters

Y/n's POV

I had just finished writing a letter to someone who will never see it. I heard a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw the guy I happened to like standing there

"Oh hey Niccolo" I say casually

"Hey Y/n, um Griez(whatever his name is. Not that I care🙄) needs you in the kitchen" Niccolo says. I nod and head out leaving my door open

Niccolo's POV

I watch Y/n head to the kitchen

I may or may not have a crush on him and I may or may not be using this time to snoop.. of course.. it's because I'm looking out for him... yeah...

I walk in and instantly notice a note on his desk. Of course I walk over and read it

Dear Niccolo,

How many times have I written this letter by now? I'm not sure, atleast 20 times.. I keep trying and trying to figure out a way to tell you that I like you but it all just doesn't seem to work out. I mean I gave you flowers but you thought I was using it for decorations at the restaurant. I'm not sure if you're dense or if you're aware and are just laughing at me internally. At this point these aren't even love letters, it's just me venting about how unsuccessful I am at confessing to you. Anyway have a nice day


I stared at the note with red cheeks

He likes me? Me out of all people.. well I mean of course he does. I'm the best chef around

I didn't even notice how long I had been reading it until I heard someone open the door fully. I looked up to see Y/n staring at me shocked. His eyes then drifted down to the paper I was holding and he looked like he had just seen death himself. My face was on fire as I looked away

"I- um..." I began but Y/n had already left. My eyes widened

No.. wait... should I go after him? Maybe he doesn't want to see me.. Who wouldn't want to see me though? I...

I held the paper in my hand as I struggled to figure out if I should go after him. I decided to go after him as I clutched the paper

Y/n's POV

I walked outside as I fought back the tears from pure humiliation. It happened to have started raining but I didn't feel like going back in. So I sat down on the grass as rain poured down. I looked up to see the sky flash brightly


I then heard a loud noise


The wind began to pick up but I didn't feel like moving. The ground was soaked and I, myself was also soaked. I was cold but it felt nice and relaxing oddly. I then heard fast footsteps. I turned around to see Niccolo


I looked to his hand to see he was holding the now soaked letter. I went to get up but he stopped me

"As much as I believe working out helps a cook... I don't want to play cat and mouse with you" He says as water drips from his hair.

"Listen... can we talk?" He asks

"Yeah..." I say

Here it comes..

I brace for rejection

"I feel the same way" He says

I knew he'd rejec- wait what?

I blinked twice as I struggled to stare at him with the rain pouring down

"Did I hear that right?" I ask. His face turns red as he coughs

"Erm.. yes.." he mutters. I feel my heart starting to beat quicker as blood rushes to my face

"Wow... I didn't expect that..." I mutter

"Listen as much as I'd love to continue talking about whatever is now between us. It's pouring rain and I'm cold, can we continue this inside?" He asks. I nod. We head back inside soaking wet. Water drips on the floor as we head to our separate rooms. I quickly change in my own and then wait for Niccolo. He comes out in New clothes. He then invites me in. We walk over to his bed and sit down

"I... so.. what are we now?" I ask. His face turns red

"I mean... you could... be mine..." He says muttering that last part

"What did you say?" I ask

"I said you could be mine" he says louder. My face heats up

"You want me?" I ask pointing to myself. He nods flustered. A smile appears on my face

"Can I erm... hug you?" I ask

"Sure.." He says. We embrace eachother. He then pulls away and I look at him confused. He then puts his lips on my own. I stare shocked but shortly after kiss back. We broke apart just a little after. We then stared at eachother speechless. Both of us had these goofy smiles on our faces as we realized this was our first kiss

(852 words)

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