#7 Levi x F!Kenny Squad!Reader

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Requested by kelly20008

Type: Fluff

Reader: Fem

Title: Tea Leaves

Y/n's POV

Being apart of the Kenny Squad can be fun, but it's definitely a lot of work. I owe Kenny my life though. He's somewhat of a father figure to me.

"Stop spacing out Y/n" Kenny says to me

"Sorry" I say. He sighs as he presses his hat down over his eyes. A smirk appears on his face.

"You're single right?" He asks. I looked at him confused

"Yes" I say. A grin appears on his face

"Perfect" He mutters

"I'm confused" I say

"Don't think too much about it" He says. I raise an eyebrow but drop it. I hear a knock on the door. Kenny stands up and flicks his hat up as he heads to the door. He opens it and a short man with a scowl is standing there

"Levi, you made it" Kenny says. He stares at the man

"You said you had special tea leaves" Levi says

"Man... You're no fun... follow me" Kenny says motioning for Levi to walk in. He does so and Kenny closes the door. Kenny makes eye contact with me

"Oh Y/n, you probably haven't met Levi yet. This is my nephew" Kenny says. Levi and me make eye contact. He glares at me so I glare back.

"You know that box that got shipped in? Can you grab that?" Kenny asks me

"Yeah" I say. I walk out and head to the closet that it was put in. I see one of my fellow squad members by the door. I wake at them and they wave back. I open the closet door and I look for the box. Just as I found it the door slammed close and was locked. I ran up to the door and began banging on it with my fist

"Open the door!" I say

"No can do Y/n, I've got direct orders from Kenny" S/M(Squad Member) says. I groan

Why would Kenny do that?

~30 Minutes Later~

Kenny's POV

I noticed Levi starting to get impatient

"What's taking so long?" He asks. I laugh

"That box was pretty heavy when we got it, Y/n might have needed help. Why don't you help her?" I ask him.

"Tch. Whatever makes this move faster" He says.

"Go through that door and then take a left, the door will be on the right" I say to Levi. He begins heading in that direction and I smirk

My plan will work

Y/n's POV

I sat in the closet bored.

When are they gonna let me out?

I hear quick footsteps. Shortly after I hear the door unlock, I quickly got up and went to leave. The door opened and I saw Levi. I then saw S/M. They pushed Levi in the closet and then slammed the door shut and locked it again. I groan as I bang my head on the wall. Levi turns around upset and slams his fist on the door

"Open this door you brat!" He yells

"No can do, orders from Kenny" S/m says

"I'm gonna kill that old man.." Levi mutters. He then looks at me and glares

"What is going on?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders

"I wish I knew.. I was just supposed to grab the box but I was locked in here by S/m, on orders of Kenny" I say. We both then hear footsteps

"Y/n, Levi. You guys should get acquainted. You're gonna be in there for a while" I hear Kenny say

"Let me out Kenny!" Levi yells angrily

"Nope" Kenny says popping the p.

"I'm gonna kill you when I get out of here" Levi says

"Can't wait" Kenny says laughing

"Why are we in here?" I ask

"That's a good question Y/n, and the answer is... I'm doing you both a favor and getting you to hook up" Kenny says. I choked on air

"What are you talking about?!" Levi asks

"You both would be a good match for eachother, now begin talking with eachother and not me" Kenny says as he walks away. Levi slams his fist on the door

"You scheming piece of trash" Levi says

"Give it up, he's not letting us out" I say. He turns towards me

"I just wanted my tea leaves.." Levi mutters. An idea appears in my head

"You know, I think I have a way out" I say

"What is it?" He asks

"Well I'm not sure it would work-" I begin

"Get to the point" He says

"We make him think we hit it off" I say. He glares at me

"That's stupid" He says

"Got any better ideas shorty?" I ask. He gives me a death stare

"I don't but had I known your idea was gonna be so stupid, I wouldn't have asked" He says. I give him dirty look

"Just because you're Kenny's nephew doesn't mean I won't knock your teeth out" I say

"Try it" He says. I walk over to him and grab him by his collar

"I will put you six feet under, don't test me" I say

"That's if you can" He says. An irk mark appears on my forehead. I go to punch him but he blocks it. I then knee his gut. He quickly recovers and kicks me in the stomach.

For such a short man, his kicks sure pack a bit of power

I take a couple steps back. He then goes to punch me but I block it. He quickly trips me and I hit my head on a bunch of cleaning stuff. The cleaning stuff falls on the ground making a bunch of noise. I'm on the ground. I go to get up but Levi gets on top of me. He begins choking me

"I'll kill you, you got dirt on my shirt" He says as his face darkens. I wrap my hands around his arms as I try to pry them off.

I'm actually going to die

I struggled to breathe. The door unlocked and slammed open. I turned to see Kenny staring at us with a smirk

"Woah Levi... didn't know you had it in you" Kenny says completely misreading the situation. Levi turns

"What are you talking about?" He asks with a scowl

"Don't play dumb Levi.. you clearly got the hots for Y/n. I mean look at you two" He says laughing. Levi looks at me and then realizes our position. His face turns red as he gets off

"That's not what was happening" He says. Kenny winks

"I gotcha" He says

"I almost died" I say

"He's a newbie, go easy on him" Kenny whispers to me. Levi glares at Kenny and goes to punch him. Kenny dodges and laughs

"Did I ruin the moment?" He asks laughing. I take off my shoe and throw it at Kenny. I headshot him and take him off guard. Levi then trips Kenny and death stares him. Levi turns to the box and picks it up, he then walks out.

"Feisty ain't he?" Kenny asks me laughing

"I hate you" I say

"No you don't" Kenny says

(1200 words)

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