#3 Kenny x F!Reader

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Requested by _Storymaker_Fangirl_

Type: Fluff

Reader: Fem

Title: Kenny the Ripper

Y/n's POV

I had just finished killing a man who thought he could double-cross me. I looked down at my shoes and cringed

I just bought these, and you've gotten them all dirty

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps. I cocked my gun and turned it in the direction I heard the footsteps. I then looked over there

"Come out before I blow your head off" I say. I heard chuckling

"Now now darling don't get ahead of yourself" A male voice says. I then see a shadow moving. I decide to get closer so I could shoot which later turned out to be a bad decision. I walk closer only to have my gun shot out of my hands. I was pinned to the wall

"Threatening strangers isn't very polite now is it?" The man asks. I glare at him as he lifted the barrel of his gun to my chin. He was now pushing my chin up with the gun. I continue glaring at him

"I'm not telling you anything, so just shoot me" I say. He cocks his gun as he stares at me. I wait to be shot but it never comes. He unlocks his gun and backs up

"It's no fun if you don't put up a fight" He says. I go to grab my gun but he kicks it away

"Let's not be hasty" He says

"I'll kill you" I say

"You'll kill me?" He asks laughing

"Please that's so funny. You really think you can kill me?" He asks

"I'm not known as the Cold Blooded Killer for no reason" I say. He smirks
(Idk thats all I could come up with)

"So you're that brat who keeps killing my guys" He says. My glare intensifies

"Which means you're Kenny the Ripper.. how lovely to finally meet you" I say sarcastically

"Don't flatter me to much darling... I might take you seriously" He says laughing. He checks his watch and sighs

"Well I'm afraid I have to leave. I'll see you soon. Can't wait for you to kill me" He says as he smirks

(358 words)

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