#3 Niccolo x F!Reader

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Requested by MaryJackson207

Type: Fluff

Reader: Fem

Title: Accident

Y/n's POV

Me and Niccolo had been cooking. I was chopping vegetables when I accidentally cut my hand. I dropped the knife as I grabbed my hand. I groaned as I felt the stinging pain. Blood began dripping down my hand

"Niccolo.." I say

"What is it dear?" He asks continuing to cook. I could hear the blood drip onto the ground

"I cut my hand... it hurts" I whine. He turns around and stares at me. His eyes go to my hand which is dripping blood. He turns off the stove and then grabs a towel. He runs over and applies pressure towards it

"I told you to be careful" He mutters

"I'm sorry" I say

"Keep applying pressure" He says as he walks off. I continue applying pressure and he comes back in

"Follow me" He says. I follow him and he leads me to the bathroom. We both enter and he turns on the sink

"Put your hand under that" He says as he runs out. I do as I'm told and my hand begins to sting. I whine once more. He comes back in with bandages

"Let me see your hand" He says. I give him my hand and he wraps it. Once its all good he kisses my forehead

"Be more careful... please" He says

(229 words)

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