#2 Ymir x F!Reader

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Requested by dxmbxss_lxserrr_

Type: Fluff

Reader: Fem

Title: Picnic

Y/n's POV

Ymir was bringing me somewhere. She had her hands over my eyes

"Why do you have to cover my eyes?" I ask

"Because it's a surprise" She says as qe continue walking

"Ymir, how much longer?" I ask

"We're almost there love" She says. We suddenly stop.

"Okay, I'm gonna take my hands off your eyes. Don't open them" She says

"Okay okay" I say. I feel her remove her hands and I keep my eyes closed. I hear her walking away

"Ymir?" I ask confused

"Relax I'm right in front of you. Just give me a couple seconds" She says. I hear her moving things around

"And it's perfect" She says

"Okay you can open your eyes now" She says. I open my eyes. They have to adjust to the light since they've been closed for the past 10 minutes. They finally adjust and I look down to see Ymir sitting on a blanket. There was food and a basket. It was a picnic

"Are you just gonna stare or are you gonna sit by me and eat?" She asks. My face heats up as I walk over and sit down next to her.

"Here try this" She says putting F/p/f in my mouth
(FAVORITE PICNIC FOOD. Did I just come up with that? Yes
Why not just put favorite food?
Because yall in the comments be like
"Well my favorite food is ice cream or something"🤨
Give me a break cuties come on)

I begin eating it and a closed mouth smile appears on my face
(I should stop with these A/n's cuz I know y'all secretly hate it but like imagine if you were just eating and you smiled at Ymir while you chewed. That image in my mind is so creepy. Okay back to the story)

"Do you like it?" She asks. I nod my head yes and she smirks

"I'm so happy you like my food. I made it just for you dear" She says as she wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me in. I finish chewing and swallow

"This is really good Ymir... I wish you were my personal cook" I say. She slightly blushes but becomes cocktail once more. She puts her hand on my chin

"You know, if you marry me... I'll cook for you anytime you want" She says with a smug smile. I lean up and kiss her and she kisses back. We break apart

"I'm waiting for a ring" I say with a wink

(433 words)
Yall i just posted a HxH oneshots book. Its x reader. Yall should check it out😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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