#3 Frieda x F!Reader

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Requested by JuneBugSpade

Type: Angst

Reader: Fem

Title: Last Day

Y/n's POV

I was walking with Frieda

"It's a nice day outside isn't it?" She asks

"I think it is" I say looking at my surroundings. It's calm, the sun is out, birds are chirping. It's really nice and peaceful. We continue walking. We come across a small river

"I wish we could stay here forever" I mutter watching the water flow

"If only that was possible" Frieda says

If only this could last

"Hey Y/n?" She asks

"What is it?" I ask

"What would you do if this was your last day alive?" She asks. I'm taken back by her question

"What's up with this?" I ask

"It just randomly popped into my head" She says

"Well if it was my last day, I'd spend it with you" I say. She smiles

"The feeling is mutual" She says

"Good thing it isn't our last day" I say smiling

"Yeah" She says with a smile

Oh how naive I was... Had I known it would be the last time I saw her, I would've cherished it more.. To find out she had died in a fire... it broke me to pieces.. my heart still aches and will continue to.. for forever... may we one day reunite in the after life

(220 words)

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