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Hello everyone!

Sorry this isn't an update for a story or anything, it is over. BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!

I had a reader reach out to me about someone stealing this story and claiming it is their own. A month later I had Wattpad message me about the same thing along with a link to the story. Someone copied this book and Long Run WORD FOR WORD and published as their own, just changing some of the names

So this is a PSA: if you see anyone copying my work, PLEASE report the story, and message me so I can get it taken down.

I spent YEARS writing both this and Long Run, working hard on it and trying to come up with original work. To have someone just copy it and say they write it, and then see comments about how great of a writer they are and how big of a fan they are of the work to someone who STOLE hurts. It's disrespectful, it's rude, it's against guidelines, it's illegal(?), and super frustrating to me who actually put in the work.

That's it for my rant. I posted on my board but thought more people would see it here. Bottom line, don't steal other people's work and report if you see someone else doing it. I only give permission for translations as that way people can read in their own language, and it's still credited to me as the original author.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for those who helped me out with this issue :)

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