Day 9

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I waited in my room for Dr. Perkins to tell me if I could be released or not, and at this point I think my best hope was just that: hope.  My parents wouldn't get me out, and Mary's input certainly won't help.  Dr. Perkins was nice, but from what I said about Jason...I don't think that will go in my favor.

There was a knock and Dr. Perkins came in, causing me to stand.  "Well?" I asked him.  He gave a sympathetic look, giving me my answer without needing to say a word.  I shook my head with a huff, unsure if I should feel angry or sad.

"After looking through your evaluation results and talking it over, you're still deemed a danger to yourself.  And with the added situation with Mary, a possible danger to others," he explained.

"I'm not though!  If they're really concerned, can't they just be happy making me go to therapy or something?  I shouldn't have to be locked in here!" I raised  my voice in frustration.

"You're on a 14 day hold now, so there's still a chance of getting out soon.  And since you'll be here longer, you'll be able to go out of your room for fresh air, visitation rights, recreational activities..."

"I want to be released!  Into the real world, get back to my apartment, my job, my life!" I cut him off.  "Wasn't that the whole point of me getting rescued from Jason?"

Dr. Perkins stood there with the same reaction Mary had when I compared the mental hospital to Jason's...mansion.  "I'll be back later in the day to check in and tell you your schedule for the next 14 days," he changed the subject before leaving.

I went back to my bed, laying on my side and facing the wall.  Here I am, stuck once again.

A couple hours went by of me laying in the same position, not asleep but not really awake either.  I heard the door open and close, but I wasn't in the mood to talk.  Dr. Perkins can say what he needs to without me responding.

The footsteps grew closer and then I felt some weight on the other side of me, making me furrow my eyebrows.  What was he doing?  I then felt him hovering over me before speaking, "Is the silent treatment always your first response to being locked in a room?" My eyes widened as I recognized the voice, and it definitely wasn't Dr. Perkins.

I quickly sat up and turned around, seeing Jason leaned on the bed.  "Jason?!" I exclaimed quietly, looking for something else to say or ask, but unable to form words.  He chuckled at my reaction and I smiled for the first time in a week.  I grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss, needing it more than I ever have before.  I could feel him grinning through the kiss, and I couldn't help but do the same.  I felt genuine happiness just seeing him, especially after how everyone else had treated me.

He pulled away, still grinning.  "Glad to see you missed me, I wasn't sure how you would react."

"The whole reason I'm in here is because I miss you.  They all think I'm crazy...that I have Stockholm Syndrome," I scoffed.  I then went back to Jason coming here, shaking my head and removing my hands.  "How did you get in here?"

"I had to lay low for a little bit, but I have the largest gang in America," he reminded me, "If I can break out of a prison, I can break in to a mental hospital."

I sighed, thinking of the prison.  "I now know why you wanted to break out so bad," I said, standing up.  "I can't really do anything, I'm in here most of the day, everyone thinks I'm insane!  I-I'm basically right back where I was when you took me.  But instead of wanting me to be happy, they all want to fix me!" I ranted, turning to face Jason.

He chuckled, walking over to me.  "Trust me, you won't be in here much longer."

I gave a suspicious  grin.  "You're going to break me out?"

"Did you think I was just going to let them take you and never look back?" he asked, grabbing my hips.

"I didn't know what to think!  I didn't know where you were, if you okay...I talked to police who were saying you would likely get the death penalty!  My first thoughts weren't of you finding me."

Jason tucked some of my hair back behind my ear as he looked down on me.  "Well that's all I thought about..." he said, then slowly pressing his lips on mine again.  I could hear faint voices, and we pulled away.  Jason reached to his ear, holding down what I assume was an ear piece.  "Coming, stall as long as possible," he spoke to it before turning to me again.  "I'm making a plan to get you out of here, and I'll come back once I have something figured out."  He stepped back, making his way towards the door.

"Are you sure you want to do that, if they catch you..."

"They won't catch me," he interjected, reaching for the door knob.  "You're mine, remember?  I'm breaking you out...I promise."

I gave a soft smile, filling with hope.  "Be careful," I warned.  He returned the smile along with a nod before opening the door, peaking out, and then leaving me by myself once again.

Thanks for all of the comments!! I love reading them and it lets me know you guys are into the story!! I've noticed more of you are commenting lately so just wanted to thank you!! Also, I know a lot of you have been wanting Jason, how you feeling now? 😏

Luv ya!

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