Day 15

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"So, how are things going with Jason?" Theresa asked me as I walked into work the next day.

"Um...okay I guess..." I trailed off as I stopped, unsure why she was asking.  Especially without letting me get to my desk.

"No, I think they're going a lot better than just okay," she said, giving me a weird look.  I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why she was acting weird.

"What?  How would you know?"

Theresa casually shrugged.  "I guess I don't.  But you know, I was watching this show and it was kind of boring at first.  Then, the most shocking thing happened, the criminal kissed his therapist!"

My eyes widened and I moved closer to Theresa's desk, looking around to make sure no one was listening.  "Where did you see that?" I kept my voice low.

"Did you forget this is a prison and there's cameras everywhere?"

I looked down, never thinking about that.  "Has anyone else seen it?" I asked, afraid of her answer.  I was dead if anyone else saw that.

Luckily, Theresa shook her head.  "Just me...that I know of at least."

I groaned, becoming really worried now.  "You have to delete that footage!  That wasn't supposed to happen, and I've already discussed it with Jason!  No one can see that!"

"Don't worry!  I've already deleted it," she assured, making let out a sigh of relief.  "And the second one," she added.

I buried my face in my hands.  "This is terrible!  None of this was supposed to happen!"

"Katie, I told you you don't have to worry!  And if it happens again, you'll just report it!"

I removed my hands and looked at Theresa.  "Do you know what will happen if people find out?  I'll lose my job!"

"Actually, if the footage proves that he kissed you, multiple times too, it can be seen as a form of harassment.  You'll just be another one of Jason's victims and he'll be moved to a new therapist and perhaps sentenced even longer," Theresa explained.

I stood there, taking all of it in.  Hearing "you'll just be another one of Jason's victims" sticking in my head.  I didn't want that, for me or for him.  I shook my head.  "No, I can't report him," I said walking to my desk.

"Why not?" Theresa followed me.  "If he's still doing it, why wouldn't you stop it?" she asked.  I stood there, then slowly grabbed my files for today's clients.  "You...don't like it, right?" Theresa questioned.  My words were caught and nothing could come out, lie or truth.  "Right, Katie?" Theresa repeated.

"Of course not!  That's...that's preposterous!  That's absurd, ridiculous even!" I exclaimed, but focusing on gathering the files.  "I...I just don't want any more penalties against him, that's all."

I started making my way to my therapy room when Theresa stopped me once more.  "Katie...regardless what the real reason careful.  Jason is your patient and nothing more, you can't grow any relationship with him, not even friends!  Or else you're going to need therapy," she warned.

I gave Theresa a small grin.  "I know how to do my job," I told her before turning away.

As the day progressed, I mentally prepared for the conversation I would have with Jason today.  It had to stern, serious, and get my point across.

Jason walked in, sitting down.  We went through our regular procedure of my unlocking him and then sitting across from him.  His eyes were down and I was getting nervous.

"So, we have to talk about yesterday.  I'm sure you don't want to but..."

"My behavior was unacceptable, we have a professional relationship, it can't happen again.  There, now we've talked.  Can we move past this?" he cut me off.

I gritted my teeth, hating to be interrupted but remaining patient.  "I don't know, can we?  It's happened twice now."

"I told you, I get urges that I can't control!  Besides, no one will know even if it does happen again!"

"Well one of my co-workers was looking over security camera footage and saw it, and luckily we're close so she deleted it!  But there's no ifs, it will NOT happen again!" I raised my voice to get my point across.

There was some silence before Jason spoke up again.  "None of that will even matter," Jason muttered.

"Maybe not to you, but this is my life and I don't want a reputation like that!"

"No, I mean soon all of this will no longer be important" he tried to rephrase.

I furrowed my eyebrows though, still unsure what he was trying to say. "What are you talking about?" I asked him, but he sat in silence again. "Jason, what's going on?"

"All I can say is something will happen. Eyes all over, remember?" He reminded me of a few days ago.

"Are you planning something?  Because if you are, I suggest you call it off. I'm trying to help you become the person you're meant to be..."

"Maybe this is the person I'm meant to be!" He cut me off, raising his voice.  He took a deep breath before speaking again. "I'm just a psychopath."

I looked down as I thought about Jason's words, then glancing at the clock. "It's almost time for you to leave," I told him.

Jason nodded, staring at me. I stared back, trying to read his eyes and what he was thinking. I didn't have much time though as the buzzer went off.

I sighed as Jason left with Mack, trying to figure out what Jason was doing or what he had planned. I wondered if it was something I would have to report or not, and I hoped it wasn't because for some reason I didn't want to get Jason into trouble. Or more trouble really.

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