Book 3

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A policeman approached me, taking me by the arms and guiding me away.  I glanced back and forth from him to the gang members who had gotten me out.

"What's going on?" I asked the policeman as we approached more people, paramedics.  "What's happening?" I tried getting someone's attention, just anyone who would answer.  I was then distracted by sirens and lights only a few feet from me.  There were more police invading and gang members trying to escape the house.  More cars approached the property as chaos continued to breakout.  My attention was brought back as the paramedics took me to go into the back of the ambulance.  "Where are you taking me?"

"A hospital," a paramedic finally responded.

I furrowed my eyebrows.  "Why?  I'm not injured."

"Standard procedure."

"For what?!" I exclaimed, wondering if this was all really happening.

"An abduction rescue,"  the policeman answered, calling in something over the radio.  "I have the girl in custody, making our way to nearest hospital."

The paramedics sat me in a chair and restricted me from moving.  It took a minute before someone responded on the other end of the radio, and I just caught what was said.  "Copy, still searching the property for abductor."

Jason.  They were still looking for him, and me...I was rescued.  The doors shut and the paramedics started to run basic tests on my pulse, blood pressure, etc.  I sat there, now knowing this was all real, this wasn't just some gang war.  I was really on my way to a hospital, and I was out.  I was free.

Hope you guys are excited for Book 3, the final part to this story!  This is only a small introduction for what's to come, are you ready?

Luv ya!

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