Day 8

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I waited for Mary to come in the next, unsure what to expect or what to even do. Yesterday I felt like I was a different person...I was mischievous, but it felt like I needed to be to defend myself. It was weird.

There was a knock and then a man walked in holding a clipboard and pen. "Katie Hartford?" He questioned, reaching his hand out to me. I gave a nod as I shook his hand. "I'm Dr. Perkins, I'll be finishing your evaluation."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What happened to Mary? Or, Dr. Jones?" I corrected myself, unsure if it made a difference.

"After yesterday, she didn't feel it was a good idea to come in because you were...devious..."

I raised my eyebrows, surprised I was described that way...that I could be that way. I looked away, realizing how that would affect me. "I'm guessing I won't be getting out of here tomorrow."

"We have records of you from the first day and other points of yesterday, not just that one report," Dr. Perkins reminded me. "But...having a psychologist describe you as devious, to the point where you mess with their mind is... very rare and...probably not good."

I groaned leaning my head back in defeat. "Great. Just what I wanted."

"There's still today," he pointed out, trying to be optimistic. "You can talk to me and...behave well, cooperate. I can already tell you aren't like the other patients here, or at least not when they first come in."

I looked at him now, feeling some hope now. He at least acknowledged I was different without calling my situation "special" or "unique". "Okay then, what will you be asking me?"

Dr. Perkins sat down before answering, "I just want to start by being vague, see where your head is at. What are you thinking about right now?"

"How much I want to get out of here," I mumbled, looking away.

"Honest...that's good. But, what about something not related to being here?"

I sat there, trying to think of something else but freezing up once I did. "Um...nothing..." I trailed off.

"Nothing?" Dr. Perkins questioned.

I shook my head. "Nope," I confirmed, looking at him. Eye contact makes it more believable.

He still seemed doubtful. "I believe I know what you're thinking about." I sighed, knowing he was right. And I was never good at lying, so there was no use in carrying on. It would probably look worse anyway. "What is it about him?"

I gave him a weird look. "What?"

"About Jason McCann. What is it about him that makes you...sympathize?" He elaborated. My expression remained as it seemed like he was asking me to say things to keep me in here. "Okay, let me rephrase. Describe him to me."

My eyes wandered up to the ceiling as I thought of good adjectives for Jason. "Um...dauntless...secluded, reserved...intense, protective....passionate, driven...misunderstood..." I trailed off, thinking more about him now and how he was, what he was doing. "Do you...have any information on him? If the police found him or anything like that?" I looked back at Dr. Perkins.

He stared at me for a moment with hesitation. "Uh, no. I haven't heard anything, but I don't think they've caught him. I probably wouldn't hear anything else if they did." I gave a slow nod, looking away once again. "Do you miss him?"

I was brought back to my session with Dr. Kregg, when he asked if I was happy with Jason. "You know...I was asked something similar before all of this," I said, focusing on a spot on the ground as I recalled.

"And?" Dr. Perkins encouraged.

My eyes moved back up to him. "I gave the wrong answer."

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