Day 1

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I sat in the hospital for what felt like hours, although I really had no idea how accurate that was as I couldn't spot a clock.  A few nurses would walk in every now and then to check my vitals, but I had yet to speak with anyone about the situation and what would happen to me.

The door opened and both my parents came in, shocked expressions on their faces as they came over and embraced me.  They both were rambling about how thankful they are, how they were worried, glad I was okay, etc.

"Okay, okay!  Can I have some space please?" I asked, feeling smothered.

"Of course!  We're so sorry!" My mother apologized as her and my father backed away.  "It's just...we had no idea if we would ever see you again."

I looked at both of them.  "How long have you known?"

"We got a call the day it happened...we immediately had police searching and all types of ads to have you found.  I don't think either of us have even slept since you went missing.  Not properly at least," my dad explained.

Part of me felt happy they were so worried and tried looking, but another part of me also thought of how they never gave me this much attention...not until I went missing.

There was a knock before the door opened and a doctor walked in.  Part of me expected Jason to walk in since I had grown use to it, but the doctor was no surprise.  I sighed.  "Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Well, I can't tell you about your specific situation, but I can tell you your stats which...actually look perfectly fine.  Great, even!" He told me.

"Why is that so surprising?" I asked him.

"Usually when we receive people who have been held hostage, there's issues with their health such as a high resting heart rate, malnourished, or even some weird things depending on the abductor..."

"Can you please not say that?" I interrupted.  I've heard that word about a hundred times in the matter of a couple hours, and it just left this horrible ringing in my ears.  It was such a...harsh word.

The doctor nodded.  "Of course.  Anyway...your vitals look fine, and there doesn't even seem to be any serious visible damage to your body.  Although I did notice there's a mark on your forearm?"

I looked down and saw the faded bruise from when Jason hit me with the clock.  "Oh, that's nothing.  Just a bruise."

"You aren't the only one to be abused..."

"I wasn't abused!" I immediately stopped him, although I didn't realize how loud I was until afterwards.  "It was an accident," I added softly.

"Miss, it's okay..."

"I know what you're thinking, but..." I stopped as I was starting to get snappy. They already see me as some victim, I don't need them thinking I'm crazy too. "Jason never tried to hurt me," I defended, more quietly this time.

The doctor raised an eyebrow at me.  "I, I was also surprised to see you're on an anxiety medication, but your tests came back with that medication in your system."

I nodded, "Yeah, Jason provided me with needed medication."

"And you took it?" the doctor questioned, and now that I was thinking about it I realized how odd it must sound for me to take drugs from someone who had kidnapped me.

"I needed it...I'm use to taking it."

The doctor glanced back at my parents, all of them exchanging the same look.  The doctor then looked back at me.  "Okay, well the next step of action is a psychological exam, as many...people in your situation have PTSD, added anxiety or depression, or other mental effects from such a traumatic event."

"Oh, I'm fine," I shook my head, just wanting to get out of here.

"I understand you may feel okay at the moment, but these events can lead..."

"I know, I'm a psychologist myself.  I know the effects and symptoms of such events, and I'm telling you I don't have any of them."

"It may be more difficult and inaccurate for you to evaluate yourself, so we have you scheduled to see a psychologist for a proper evaluation," the doctor said, making me sigh and look off to the side.

There was a bit of silence until my mother softly asked the doctor, "Do you have any information from the police?  About the kidnapper, further action, anything?"

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head to myself.  Everyone was making it sound like Jason nearly killed me, and I don't want to defend the kidnapping but he really did treat me well and even cared for me.  He definitely gave me more attention than my parents.

"I hope you have a nice night, sleep well," the doctor told me, regaining my attention.

I grinned and gave a nod before he finally left.  This was only the beginning of what felt like an interrogation.  I still had a psychologist and police to go through.

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