Day 20 Part 2

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The helicopter was getting closer and closer to the building. My eyes followed as it went over my head, then hovering the hospital. A ladder dropped down, nobody saying a word.

I slowly got down from the ledge, and walked to the ladder. I could hear the shouts from the hospital staff, urging me to not go. I ignored them and climbed up the ladder, unable to believe this was happening. I would finally be leaving this place, I was finally free. Jason reached his hand out to help, and I stared at it for a moment. I would be with Jason again. I took his hand, getting into the helicopter and staring at Jason.

He grinned down at me, "Glad you changed your mind."

I didn't know what to say, or even how to feel. I looked down at our hands, still together, so I removed mine. I looked back up at Jason, stepping back and then sitting down.

The helicopter lifted, and the two of us remained silent until we knew we were safe from the police. Jason of course spoke up again, "I have another house we're going to, but don't worry. You'll still have your own room, and I know I can trust you so we'll just continue where we left off," he explained.

I continued to sit, unsure what to say. Continue where we left off? Where exactly was that? What did that mean? I was still processing everything that happened.

"Katie?" Jason snapped me out of my thoughts, making me look up to him. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Are we doing this silent thing again? Cause I understood last time but..."

"No, I just don't know what to think, let alone say," I shook my head, lowering my head to my hands.

Jason placed his hand on my shoulder. "I know it's all overwhelming, but we'll be home in just an hour and then you can lay down."

I turned to him. "Jason, I'm not sure I even want to live with you," I brought up.

His eyes softened, "What? You called me to get you out of the hospital though."

"Yeah, because I knew no one was going to help me there! I'm not so sure living with you will be good for me either though," I explained.

He looked confused, removing his hand from my shoulder. "What are you talking about? I thought this was what you wanted, what we wanted!"

"We? Do you remember what happened the last time we saw each other?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows as frustration grew. Jason sat there, but it was hard to tell if he remember or not, he just waited for me to continue. "I asked you if you loved me and you just stood there! You didn't say a word! Why should I come crawling back to you if you're just going to use me?"

"You want to know why I didn't say anything? Because I didn't know! I don't know how that feels, it wasn't something I had much of growing up!" He yelled at me now. "And I wasn't going to lie to you because I know trust is something we've spent so much time building! What would happen if I said I love you and you later found out I lied? You would still be mad!"

I felt as if I was shrinking now, feeling a bit ashamed. I never thought of why Jason stood there, I just assumed he didn't love me because of what was in my head at the time from Dr. Perkins. I knew his history, and it made sense he would be unsure. "I...I didn't think...I..." I stuttered, unable to find words.

"Besides, you never said you loved me either," he pointed out.

I felt even more embarrassed now, yelling at him for not sharing his feelings hen I did the same thing. "Well...I guess I thought it was given because I asked you..." I avoided his eyes.

"You love me?" Jason questioned.

I shook my head. "That doesn't mean I should. Someone like you could hurt me so easily."

"Anyone can get hurt when they fall...I think that's why I have trouble figuring out how I feel. I don't want to be vulnerable...but I can't help it around you."

I raised my eyebrows, looking at him now. " that your way of saying..."

Jason nodded and cut me off, " is."

A smile tugged at my lips, Jason looking at me the same way. He leaned over, kissing me for the first time since...well, it seemed like forever.

The helicopter landed shortly after, the doors opening. There was of course another mansion, but this one was a little smaller. The two of us walked in, me staring in awe of the beautiful architecture. I smiled at Jason, who was already grinning at me. "This is it."

That's the end! What a journey it's been! I started writing this almost 2 years ago and it's by far my favorite story I've written! it's so different, and that's why I love it so much! I feel proud, and it's bittersweet that it's ending. I hope you all enjoyed reading, I've received so much support for this story! Because of that support, I'm not quite ready to let go yet. So, I'm thinking of doing an epilogue just for a clear ending (also I have an idea), so I'll post an epilogue if there's a demand as well!

Luv ya!

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