Day 6

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I spent the night at the mental hospital, although I didn't sleep. The officials who put me in here gave me the option to grab things from home, but I wasn't planning on staying long. My parents were coming in today to hopefully get me out.

Throughout the night I couldn't help but be angry. They have no right to place me in here, I'm not mentally ill! I just have to wait for my parents, whenever they come, to get me out of here. If they're really concerned, they can send me to some other psychologist. But institutionalized? It's not necessary!

I looked up as the door opened and my parents came in. I let out a sigh of relief and walked over to them. "Thank God, can we get out of here please?"

My parents exchanged a glance before facing me. "Actually...they're keeping you in here," my dad said.


"It's just a 72 hour hold so they..."

"72 hours? I'm stuck in here for three days?" I exclaimed, unable to believe what I was hearing.

"At least...yes..." my dad confirmed.

"At least?" I raised my eyebrows. Things just keep getting worse. "Why? I'm stable, I'm fine, I can go!"

"Sweetheart, Dr. Kregg diagnosed you with Stockholm Syndrome, it's very serious. Not to mention your reaction then and...well, now," he pointed out.

I chuckled, almost finding it hysterical now. "I don't have Stockholm Syndrome! Okay? Do I have some sympathy for Jason? I'm not gonna lie, I do! His life is at stake, and he never gave me reason to support that!"

My mom stepped forward. "Honey...these thoughts...these feelings you're having...they're wrong! And we just want to help you, be here for you!"

Now I couldn't control laughter from slipping out. "Be here for me?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Be here for me?" I repeated a little louder now. "You haven't been here for me in years. You sent me off to school and never looked back, and even now with my career you never visit or even call! But as soon as I go missing you're here 24/7 and suddenly caring about how I'm doing, what I'm doing, and finally paying some attention to me! And now you're showing your love by keeping me in a mental hospital because you find it so...wrong that I can actually care about someone else without a crisis occurring!" I yelled, much more than I expected to. I don't know if it was the lack of sleep, the built up feelings I had for years, or a combination of both, but once I started I couldn't stop. I let out a breath and gave myself a minute to cool off, shaking my head. "Guess all it took was getting kidnapped," I finished softly, turning around so my back was facing them.

They were speechless, and I knew they were just standing there wondering what to do next. Whatever it was, I was done with them. For today at least. I guess they were too because the next thing I heard was the door opening and closing.

After a few hours, my door opened once again. What looked like a nurse gave me a kind smile as she shut the door behind her. "Hello, I'm Mary. I'll be evaluating you within these next few days, but right now I'm just here to give you information about your stay and what's going to happen within these next few days," she introduced herself. I just gave a nod to let her continue. "So, you are on a 72 hour hold, meaning you must be in here for at least three days under evaluation. Once that period has ended, the results of the evaluation will determine if we let you go, or further withhold you for a 14 day hold."

I tilted my head up in frustration, not wanting to yell anymore, especially to someone who was only doing their job. I looked at Mary and gave another nod. "Okay, so I'm basically stuck in here for 3 days with no way out?"

Mary nodded. "Yes, that is correct."

I gave a caustic grin to her. "You all find me crazy for having sympathy for someone who forced me to a foreign place and had me locked up in a room for days...yet here you are doing the exact same thing," I told her calmly. She stared blankly at me, unable to respond because I was right. My grin vanished as I spoke again. "Ironic, isn't it?" I turned back around, done speaking with her.

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