Day 18

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"So, what happiness activity are we doing today?" Jason asked as he got settled in.

I furrowed my eyebrows, staring at Jason. I thought of many approaches and different things to tackle today, but I was still unsure. "Do you trust anyone?" I finally started.


"Do you trust anyone?" I repeated, trying to sound more clear.

"Define's very broad," Jason said, leaning forward on his hands.

I sucked in my lips and thought of what to say. "Is there anyone in your life that you would trust your life with? That you could count on saving you if you were dying?"

"My men know that I'm their first priority, so I guess you could say I trust them," he answered.

I shook my head though. "No, I mean really trust. That they would help you no matter what, even if they weren't required," I tried to elaborate. When Jason just stared back at me, I continued with a new definition. "Is there someone you can tell anything to and feel like what you said is safe?"

Jason studied me, unsure how to respond. "I'm leaving tonight," he blurted out.


"Tonight, I'm leaving this place," Jason told me.

"You can't just leave, Jason. It's prison, you have to ser..."

"I know what I'm supposed to do!" he interrupted me. "But I've never been one to follow rules."

I sat there, processing what he said. I blinked a few times to focus back on him, looking at Jason who was still leaning forward towards me. "Jason...I'm telling you this for your own good; don't break out of here. Serve your time and then you'll be out for good! You won't have to worry about constantly being on the run, you can have a normal life, and you can find your happiness. But you have to stay here."

Jason chuckled, shaking his head. "You don't get it. This place won't lead me to happiness. It just drains any that I have left. I can't rot in here like everyone else."

I thought of what to say next, a bit nervous. I know he was capable of breaking out. He had the resources, men, and power to do so. "You know...I'm supposed to report whenever I hear something like this," I informed him.

He nodded. "I know...but you won't," he replied confidently.

"How can you be so sure?" I challenged.

Jason gave a crooked smile. "Because I trusted you enough to tell you," he answered simply. I sat there, unable to deny it. Jason really pushed my boundaries, and I didn't want to have to report him. But he was right, that's why he could so easily tell me. "Does that answer your first question?"

My eyes moved down as I thought about what Jason had said. I'm not sure how long I sat there, but it was long enough that Mack came in and took Jason.

By night, I had continued thinking of what Jason said and if he was serious. Was he going to break out? And would it really be tonight? I went through my files, trying to find more information on Jason's gang. How big it was, how threatening they really were, etc. There wasn't much in the files, but I did find quite a few things online. New articles, blogs, videos, and more.

"You coming home?" Theresa asked as she reached the door.

I looked up at her, glancing at the clock and realizing it was past ten. Way past the tie I was supposed to leave. "Um...yeah...I just need to put things away and lock things up," I answered, finishing reading the article I was currently on.

"How long will that take?"

I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Theresa, you don't have to wait for me. Go home and sleep," I encouraged her.

"You sure? I can wa..."

"I'm positive. I'll see you tomorrow," I cut her off, writing one last note about Jason's gang. I heard Theresa leave and shut down my laptop.

If Jason's gang really is coming, I needed to make sure everything was checked and all the police here were awake. I put Jason and all my other patient's files away, locking the drawers. I put my laptop in it's case as well and packed the rest of my things. I heard a thud from the roof and jumped, looking up. More thuds followed, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. I stood still, but there were no more sounds.

I shook my head, putting my things in my bag. I grabbed my phone when I heard metal moving from another room. It couldn't be the cells, it was different from that. My eyes widened and fear ran through me at the possibility of what all these sounds were. I hurried to the back to the main office, finding Greg who was in charge at night hours.

He looked up as I approached him, smiling. "Dr. Hartford! Isn't it a bit late?"

"Yeah...I was just gathering my things..." I trailed off, feeling paranoid.

"Well, is there anything I can do for you?"

I looked back and scanned what I could see. "Um...just...make sure all the guards are awake and aware," I warned him, facing him again.

Greg laughed as if it were a joke. "Will do. You have a nice night now, Dr. Hartford," he nodded to me. I gave a sheepish smile and walked away, not wanting to seem crazy.

Maybe I was just paranoid. But when I was walking back to my desk, I passed the cells. I looked down them, seeing the prisoners but no guards. My heart started to race and I ran back to Greg's room only to find he was no longer there. I started to panic and rushed to the control room to make sure the security cameras and alarms were on.

When I reached the control room, no one was there either. All was silent, but I swear I could hear footsteps and things moving. I looked down, unsure how all the control worked. I noticed that the camera's were all black though, meaning they were either covered or off. I ran to my therapy room to see if I left anything in there, not trusting to leave them here.

When I reached my therapy room, I noticed the door was cracked open. I gulped, hesitant to go in. I slowly pushed the door open though, quickly turning the light on. No one was there, so I hurried in and grabbed my things. I was nearly done when my mouth was covered and another arm wrapped around me. I gasped, dropping everything.

"Found you," a man whispered in my ear before my eyes were covered and I grew tired.

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