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        "Let me get this straight, and please correct me if I'm wrong," I  stated, looking down at my notes to read them off.  "You came home from  work, unable to find your wife once you arrived.  But you heard noises  from your bedroom and followed, opening the door to see your wife  was...not being loyal to you," I attempted to put as kindly as  possible.  "Am I correct so far?"

        Randy nodded.  "Yup, that's all right," he confirmed.

         I let out a breath before continuing.  "Okay, so you were hurt...and  angry.  This led you to...and I believe this is exact...pick the man up  by his shirt, pin him against the wall, and start to strangle him.  Am  I correct?"

        "Down to every detail," Randy sighed, leaning back in his chair.

         "You didn't kill him though, your wife stopped you.  But you did cause  some bruising and broken bones," I read off the notes handed to me,  along with notes I took from when Randy told  me his side of the story.   I tossed the notes down on the table and looked up at him.  "How  did you feel when you were doing that?"

        Randy gave a blank stare.  "How did I feel?"

         "Yeah, what emotions were going on when you were strangling this man?   Anger?  Frustration?  Power?" I listed, getting him started.

         Randy shrugged.  "Yeah, I guess...sadness was a big one.  Jealousy as  well.  And fear.  I've never done anything like that in my life, or felt  that way before."

        "Do you think that's why you handled  it the way you did?  Because it was new?  You didn't know how to  control  it?" I asked him, feeling like we were progressing now and sat  up.

        "I think so...I didn't want to kill the man, now that  I think about it.  But he had to pay."

        The sound of metal  moving caught both mine and Randy's attention as we turned toward the  one door in the room.  There stood Mack, our security, to pick up  Randy.  I turned my attention back to Randy with a grin.  "Well, Randy,  great job today.  We made some good progress.  Next time we'll continue  to discuss these feelings and better ways to manage them."

        Randy stood up, Mack handcuffing him again.  "See you Wednesday, Doc."

         I smiled and gave a nod as the two walked out, gathering my things.  It  was finally time for me to go home after a long day of work.  Although,  everyday is long when you're constantly working with criminals.  But I  loved my job, I found myself interested in every case and never bored.

         "Leaving, Katie?" My co-worker and acquaintance, Theresa, asked.  She  worked the front desk and got all the info, slipping me some every now  and then.

        "Yeah, no need for me to stay overnight.  What about you?"

        "Just shutting down the computer.  Walk together?"

         I smiled, nodding as Theresa stood up.  She was quite a bit older than  me, her 36 and me 22.  I'm what I guess people call a "genius", starting  college courses at 13 during high school, the graduating early and going to college  at 15.  I've only been working here a year and Theresa has for nearly  eight.  We got along though and even live in the same apartment  complex.

        "So, anything new today with the patients?" Theresa asked as we left.

        I shook my head.  "Progress with most, nowhere with a few, and two new guys.  Nothing unusual though.  What about you?"

         "Same old, same old.  People always coming in and out, either being  admitted, released, or visiting.  Although, I did receive an interesting  file today..." she trailed off, knowing I would be interested.

         "Anything you can share?" I asked hopefully.  A major advantage to  Theresa working the front desk meant she did filing and got to see info  from our criminals.  I was curious and she was happy to share.

        "Well, I will say that we've finally caught Jason McCann and he's finally in prison."

        I furrowed my eyebrows.  "Jason McCann?" I questioned.

         Theresa stopped and turned to face me.  "You don't know who he is?" she  exclaimed. I just stood there, feeling a bit embarrassed now.  "He's  only the leader of the most dangerous gang in America!  His family has  been on the run for over thirty years and was slowly dying off until he  took over five years ago.  He's America's most wanted criminal!"

         My eyes widened at all the information.  Now that I think about it, the  last name sounds familiar.  I just never realized what a big deal it  was.  "And we caught him?"

        "Yeah, he went to court last  week and was put in today.  He's suppose to start therapy tomorrow but he hasn't been assigned a psychologist yet.  My bet is on Jim," Theresa  explained.  There's multiple psychologists for the prison we work at  since it's very big and we get a variety of people.

        "What about me?  Couldn't I get him?"

         Theresa laughed, shaking her head.  "Sweetie, you're still new to this  game!  You've only been working here for a little over a year and with  pretty small crimes like stealing, abuse, and the occasional drunk.   Never a serial killer, drug dealer, or rapist!  Much less than Jason  McCann!"

        "Wait, he's a rapist too?"

         "Well...I guess not.  But he's not inexperienced!  I hear he's very seductive," Theresa said, making me roll my eyes.  "Either way,  he's too much of a challenge for you."

        "But I've been working on these simple cases the entire time I've been here, don't you think it's time I got promoted?"

        "Promoted?  Yes.  To Jason McCann? Now that would be quite the promotion."

         "Theresa, I think I could actually do this!  Every patient I've had has  improved in some way, I think I could do the same with Jason," I tried convincing her.  Theresa was silent as we walked, nearing our building.  "I want the chance to prove myself, that I can handle patients like this!"

         Theresa opened the door, both of us walking in and then to the elevator.  She still was not speaking as we went up, but finally spoke  when we were almost to her floor.  "I'll recommend you to the boss, try to convince him you're right for the job," she gave in.

        I smiled, knowing she would understand.  "Thanks, Theresa," I said as the door opened and she got off.  "Goodnight!"

         I grinned, pleased with myself.  I wasn't for sure getting the job, but  I had a chance.  And I know Jason would be a challenge, but that's what  I wanted.  I know it will all pay off in the end when I can say that  I'm the one who changed him.

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