Day 3

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"Okay, let's start simple," I started once Jason was locked in. His handcuffs were still on as he was probably the most dangerous person here. Usually I had a criminal with only their feet locked in by day two or three, but none of them had ever been in a gang, let alone the leader of a gang, like Jason.

Jason sat there, staring at me with a blank expression just like everyday. Sometimes it took time to get someone like Jason to open up.

"Okay," I breathed, looking down at my notes where I had written some questions down. "What's your favorite color?"  Jason raised an eyebrow at me, confused as to why I was asking. "Okay, how about your favorite animal?"  Jason stared, still unamused. I sighed. "Jason, remember the deal we had..."

"I didn't think the deal involved dumb and pointless questions," he snapped.

"They may be little questions but there's more to you than just killing, and I want to get to know you as a human," I explained.

"Well guess what, I'm not human!  I'm the leader of a gang!  A gang that kills, steals, and deals, all under my watch!" He yelled, leaning over the table.  I sat there, surprised by his outburst but letting him calm down.  He sat back in his chair once again, looking down. "I'm not human."

"You're not humane, but that doesn't mean you're not human," I spoke softly, looking at him.

Jason looked up at me, and for once there was a look of sadness rather than anger. Only for a second though before he went back to normal. "Just ask me a question," he muttered.

"Um...what's your middle name?" I asked.

"You're still asking dumb questions?"

"I'm sorry, would you rather me ask you the hard questions?  Like why would you think killing people is okay?  Why did you start killing?  Why do you do such terrible things? Huh? Shall I go on? Because I have a lot more that aren't dumb!" I raised my voice a bit, but still trying to remain calm.

"Why don't you ask those questions, that's what all my other therapists do!" Jason shouted.

"Because I want to help you, and that obviously doesn't work!  I want to get to know you, gain your trust!"

"You'll never gain my trust, especially with stupid questions! So you might as well ask the usual difficult ones!"

I took a deep breath before responding, not wanting to fight with him. "I'm trying to avoid those questions, for now at least. I wanted to start easy for your sake, not to play twenty questions!" I rested my head on my hand.

There was silence as I tried to recollect myself, then Jason spoke up. "James."

I looked at him, furrowing my eyebrows.  "What?"

"My middle name is James. What's yours?" He asked, the most calm I've ever seen him.

I sat there, a bit surprised. "Rose..." I trailed off.

"Like the flower?"

I nodded. "My favorite."

"What's your first name?" He asked.

"Katie is my first name."

"Katie Rose Hartford," Jason said, giving me chills. His voice was so soft right now, and even softer when he said my name.

I looked down, trying not to blush. I wasn't sure why I got such a weird feeling just from his words, but I pushed it aside. "Um...let's move on now..."

Jason leaned forward, making me look at him to see what he was doing. "Am I making you nervous?" He whispered, noticing my change in behavior.

"You need to sit down," I gulped.

"Are you gonna make me?" He smiled, almost laughing.

"Yes, I will," I said sternly, standing up and leaning over the desk. Jason moved back, surprised.  He was about to say something until the familiar buzz rang and Mack opened the door. 

Mack walked over and unlocked Jason's feet. I grinned to Jason as he stood up. "See you tomorrow."

Instead of responding, Jason just looked me up and down as he walked before finally exiting. If I didn't have his attention before, I sure did now.

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